IHO Circular Letters (1999 to 2016)

YearIssue DateFile ReferenceLinkTitle
YearIssue DateFile ReferenceLinkTitle
201607/01/16S1/0100CL01Status Report on Approvals  of Amendments to the Convention on the IHO and on pending Applications for IHO Membership and Accession of new Member States
201608/01/16S3/8151/HSSCCL02Outcome of the Seventh Meeting of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC)
201608/01/16S3/0304CL03National Experts on the Law of the Sea
201620/01/16TA-006-S1/3022CL04IHO-Nippon Foundation Chart Project – Call for Applications for 8th Course in Marine Cartography and Data Assessment (FIG-IHO-ICA Category B), UKHO, Taunton, UK, 5 September – 16 December 2016.
201621/01/16P/0002CL05IHO Publication M-2: The Need for National Hydrographic Services – Release of Ed. 3.0.5
201622/01/16S3/2641/ACL06GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) – Appointment of a new Member
201610/02/16AB-4/S-5CL07Draft New Edition 1.0.0 of the IHO Publication S-5A - Standards of Competence for Category “A" Hydrographic Surveyors
201611/02/16S3/2620CL08IHO-IOC-Nippon Foundation – GEBCO Training Project – Call for Applications for the 13th Graduate Certificate Course in Ocean Bathymetry
201625/02/16S3/0104 CBSCCL09IHO Publication C-16: National Hydrographic Regulations – Request for updated information
201626/02/16S3/0104  CBSCCL10Fourteenth Meeting of the Capacity Building Sub-Committee (CBSC14), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 24-26 May  2016 & Eighth Meeting of the Inter Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC8), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 29-31 May 2016
201601/03/16S3/2636CL11Request for Shallow Water Bathymetric Data
201608/03/16S1/3023 & CBSC-1CL12Master of Science Programme in Hydrographic Surveying at the University of Southern Mississippi (USA) Sponsored by the Republic of Korea Fourth course (8 August 2016 - 4 August 2017) Selection of Candidates
201610/03/16S3/3075CL13Report on the Third Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR3)
201615/03/16S1/1001/WPCL14Report on the Overall Status of the IHO Work Programme
201615/03/16S3/4405CL15Adoption of the Revision 4.6.0 of IHO Publication S-4 –Chart Specifications of the IHO
201629/03/16S1/0015CL16Protocol of Amendments to the Convention on the IHO – 47 of 48 Approvals achieved
201631/03/16S1/0910CL17Call for Submissions to update IHO Strategic Plan
201618/04/16S1/5012CL18Establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the International Cable Protection Committee
201620/04/16S1/1001CL19Approval of the Finance Report 2015
201627/04/16TA 006 & S1/3022CL20IHO – Nippon Foundation Chart ProjectSuccessful candidates  for the 8th Course (5 Sep-16 Dec2016)
201617/05/16S1/5000CL21Application from INTERTANKO to be granted Observer status as a Non-Governmental International Organization
201623/05/16S3/0302CL22Proposed Agreement on Cooperation between the International Hydrographic Organization and the International Seabed Authority.
201623/05/16S1/0501CL23Announcement of the Selection of a Technical Standards Support Officer in the Secretariat of the IHO
201625/05/16S3/3055CL24Report on the 96th Session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee
201625/05/16S3/8151/HSSCCL25HSSC 8th Meeting, IHB 14-18 November 2016
201603/06/16S1/0415CL26Call for approval of a new edition of the Staff Regulations of the IHO
201607/06/16S3/1400CL27Call for approval of a Revision of IHO Resolution 3/1919 – Datums and Bench Marks
201607/06/16S1/0015CL28Progress on the Approval of the Protocol of Amendments to the Convention on the IHO
201630/06/16S1/1001CL29Annual Report of the IHO for 2015
201601/07/16AB-4/S-5CL30Call for Approval of Edition 1.0.0 of IHO Publication S-5A- Standards of Competence for Category “A” Hydrographic Surveyors
201611/07/16S1/0910CL31Responses to the Call for Submissions to update Strategic Plan
201619/07/16S3/0523, S3/0122CL32Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the Maritime Organisation of West and Central Africa.
201620/07/16S1/5069CL33Application from The World Ocean Council (WOC) to be granted observer status as a Non-Governmental International Organization
201621/07/16S1/5015 & S3/2513CL34Recent developments related to the IHO-IOC GEBCO project.
201625/07/16S3/0302CL35Signing of an Agreement on Cooperation between the IHO and the International Seabed Authority (ISA)
201604/08/16S1/5071CL36Granting of Observer status to INTERTANKO
201605/08/16S1/5070CL37Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the Open Geospatial Consortium.
201616/08/16S1/5051CL38Sixth Session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management
201619/08/16S1/0402CL39Former Director Adam Kerr
201622/08/16S1/1900/ACL40World Hydrography Day – Proposed theme for 2017
201623/08/16S1/0015CL41Date of entry into force of the Amendments to the  Convention on the IHO and its supporting Basic Documents.
201605/09/16S3/0104CL42Outcome of the Eighth meeting of the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC8)
201609/09/16S1/5009CL43ICC 2017 – 28th International Cartographic Conference (Washington, DC, USA, 2-7 July 2017
201612/09/16S3/0104CL44Revision of Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the IRCC
201620/09/16S1/0415CL45Approval of Edition 8.0.0 of IHO Publication M-7 Staff Regulations
201621/09/16S1/6200CL46Call for Member States to declare in which Regional Hydrographic Commission (RHC) they wish to be counted for the purpose of determining the number of seats allocated to each RHC in the IHO Council.
201622/09/16S1/1206CL47Prince Albert 1st Medal for Hydrography 2017 – Call for Nominations
201622/09/16S1/1001/WPCL48Report on the overall status of the IHO Work Programme Mid Year 2016
201626/09/16CBSC-1CL49Outcome of the 14th Meeting of the Capacity Building Sub-Committee (CBSC14)
201628/09/16AB-4/S-5CL50Adoption of Edition 1.0.0 of IHO Publication S-5A Standards of Competence for Category “A” Hydrographic Surveyors
201629/09/16S1/3023 & CBSC-1CL51Master of Science Programme in Hydrographic  Surveying at the University of Southern Mississippi (USA) sponsored by the Republic of Korea – Fifth Course (Aug 2017 – 2018). Call for nominations
201604/10/16S1/6200/C-1CL52Proposed dates for the first meeting of the IHO Council (C-1)
201605/10/16S1/5070CL53Establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the Open Geospatial Consortium
201606/10/16FO/592/17 & S1/1001/WPCL54Proposed IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2017
201606/10/16S1/1001CL55Annual Report of the IHO for 2015 and approval of the Recommendations in the Finance Report
201606/10/16S1/5069CL56Granting of Observer Status to the World Ocean Council as a Non-Governmental International Organization
201610/10/16AB-4/S-5CL57Call for comments on draft new edition 1.0.0 of IHO Publication S-8B– Standards of Competence for Category “B” Nautical Cartographers
201621/10/16S1/0506CL58Project based support opportunities in the IHO Secretariat
201628/10/16S3/8151/MSDIWGCL59Call for comments on draft new edition 2.0.0 of IHO Publication C-17 – Spatial Data Infrastructure “ The Marine Dimension” – Guidance for hydrographic offices
201602/11/16S1/5072CL60Application from the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators to be granted observer status as a Non-Governmental International Organization
201604/11/16S1/1900/ACL61Theme for World Hydrography Day 2017
201601/12/16S1/5002CL62Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the IHO and the Mediterranean Science Commission
201605/12/16S1/6200CL63Notice of the Distribution of regionally-based seats on the IHO Council
201607/12/16S3/0104CL64Approval of Revised Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for the IRCC
201609/12/16FO/592/17 & S1/1001/WPCL65Notice of approval of IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2017
201616/12/16S1/6200/C-1CL66Notice of dates for the first Council meeting of the IHO Council (C-1)
201620/12/16S3/8155CL67Consideration of port State control issues related to ECDIS carriage and operations
201620/12/16S3/7198CL68Establishment of the IHO project team on standards for hydrographic surveys (HS PT)
201623/12/16S1/0900CL69Cumulative list of IHO Circular Letters issued in 2016
201506/01/15S1/0100CL01Status Report on Approvals of Amendments to the Convention on the IHO and of Applications from New Member States.
201506/01/15S1/5062CL02GEOSS Data Management Principles
201508/01/15S1/1900/ACL03Theme for World Hydrography Day "Our seas and waterways - yet to be fully charted and explored"
201513/01/15S1/5051-TA-005-3CL04Shared Guiding Principles for Geospatial Information Management
201513/01/15S3/0304CL05National Experts on the Law of the Sea
201515/01/15S1/3023-CBSC-1CL06Category "B" Marine Geospatial Information Programme Sponsored by the Republic of Korea - Selection of Candidates.
201516/01/15S3/8151/HSSCCL07Outcome of the Sixth Meeting of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC)
201516/01/15S3/8151/ENCWGCL08Implementation date for edition 5.0.0 of the IHO Standard S-58 - ENC Validation checks
201520/01/15AB-2CL09FIG-IHO-ICA International Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC) - Selection of new Member of the Board representing FIG
201528/01/15TA-006S1/3022CL10IHO- Nippon Foundation Chart Project - Call for Applications for a 7th Course in Marine Cartography and Data Assessment (Category B), UKHO Taunton, UK 7 September - 18 December 2015.
201512/02/15S3/8151/HSSCCL11Implementation of the reorganised structure of the Workings Groups of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC)
201513/02/15S1/5041CL12Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the World Meteorological Organization.
201516/02/15S3/2620CL13IHO- IOC-Nippon Foundation - GEBCO Training Project. Call for Applications for 12th Graduate Certificate Course in Ocean Bathymetry
201518/02/15S3/8151/HSSCS3/8162CL14Adoption of Revised Edition 1.2.0 of IHO Publication S-63 IHO Data Protection Scheme.
201519/02/15S1/4719CL15Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the IHO and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States.
201520/02/15S3/0104/IRCCCBSC-1CL1613th Meeting of the Capacity Building Sub-Committee (CBSC13) - Mexico City, Mexico, 27-29 May 2015 and the 7th Meeting of the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC7) Mexico City, Mexico 1-3 June 2015
201524/02/15S1/1001/WPCL17Report on overall status of the IHO Work Programme - End of 2014
201526/02/15S3/8151/ENCWGCL18Cancellation of the vote on the implementation date for edition 5.0.0 of the IHO Standard S-58 - ENC Validation checks.
201502/03/15S3/8151/S-100CL19Approval of the new Edition 2.0.0 of IHO Publication S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model.
201506/03/15S3/3055CL20IHO Contribution to the implementation of E-Navigation - Proposed Submission to the 95th Session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee.
201509/03/15S3/3084CL21Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information IMO International Safetynet Manuel.  New Edition
201511/03/15FO/51237-2015CL22Remittance of Annual Contributions - Change of Bank Account Details.
201513/03/15S3/8151/HSSCCL23Proposed amendment to the rules of procedure of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC)
201516/03/15S3/3075CL24Report on the 2nd Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR2)
201517/03/15S3/8151/HSSCCL25Reorganized structure of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC) - Consideration of the need to establish a Hydrographic Surveys Working Group.
201518/03/15S1/3023CBSC-1CL26Master of Science Programme in Hydrographic Surveying at the University of Southern Mississippi (USA) sponsored by the Republic of Korea - Selection of Candidates.
201523/03/15S1/6000/X-5CL27P-6: Report of Proceedings of the 5th Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference. Monaco 6-10 October 2014
201523/03/15S1/1900/ACL28Background briefing note for World Hydrography Day 2015.
201526/03/15S3/6003S3/0104CL29Approval of Amendments to IHO Resolution 1/2005, as amended - Response to Disasters
201509/04/15S1/3090S1/3092CL30New IHO Member States - Georgia and Viet Nam
201510/04/15AB-4/S-5CL31Development of the new IHO Publications: S-5A Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors Category A and S-5B Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors Category B.
201513/04/15S1/4906S1/4832CL32Applications for Membership of the IHO from the Republic of Malta and the Republic of Vanuatu.
201514/04/15S1/3091CL33New IHO Member State - Brunei Darussalem
201527/04/15S3/3055CL34Preparation for the 95th session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), 3-12 June 2015, London, United Kingdom
201504/05/15TA-006S1/3022CL35IHO-Nippon Foundation CHART Project. Successful Candidates for the 7th Course 7 September - 18 December 2015.
201507/05/15S1/4719CL36Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
201501/06/15S3/8151/HSSCCL37HSSC 7th Meeting, 10-13 November 2015, Busan, Rep of Korea
201505/06/15S3/0523S3/0122CL38Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the Maritime Organisation of West and Central Africa
201505/06/15S3/8151/S-100CL39Adoption of the new Edition 2.0.0 of IHO Publication S-100 - Universal Hydrographic Data Model
201510/06/15S1/5517/USACL40Application from The Hydrographic Society of America to be granted observer status as a Non-Governmental International Organization.
201515/06/15S3/8151/HSSCCL41Amendmentto the Rules of Procedure of the HSSC
201518/06/15S3/0104CL42Establishment of the IHO Crowd-sourced Bathymetry Working Group (CSBWG).
201518/06/15S3/3055CL43Report on the 95th Session of the IHO Maritime Safety Committee.
201519/06/15S1/5051TA-005-3CL44Fifth session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management, New York, USA 5-7 August 2015
201519/06/15S1/6000/XIXCL45Dates for the XIXthInternational Hydrographic Conference / 1st session of the IHO Assembly
201530/06/15TA-006-2-1CL46Vacancies for Overseas Students on Bangladesh Navy Basic Hydrography Course (Cat B) (20 July - 31 December 2015)
201530/06/15S3/7220CL47Request for updated information for IHO Publication C-47. Training Courses in Hydrography and Nautical Cartography.
201503/07/15S1/1001CL48Annual Report of the IHO for 2014 and Approval of the Finance Report
201509/07/15S3/2620CL49GEBCO Guiding Committee. Revised Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure
201510/07/15S3/2630CL50GEBCO Guiding Committee (GGC) - Request for Nomination of Experts to fill vacancies.
201514/07/15S3/4204S3/4244CL51S-11 Part A - Guidance for the Preparation and Maintenance of International Chart Schemes - Request for Information to update Annexes A and B - INT Chart Printing Capacity of IHO Member States.
201515/07/15S3/1001CL52IHO Publication C-55 - Status of Hydrographic Surveying and Nautical Charting Worldwide. Request for updated information.
201516/07/15AB-4/S-5CL53IHO Publication S-5B - Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors, Category B. Request for approval of new Publication.
201522/07/15S3/3084CL54Revision of the Procedure for Submission of Maritime Safety Information Documentation to IMO
201505/08/15P/0002CL55IHO Publication M-2, The Need for National Hydrographic Services - Release of edition 3.0.4
201506/08/15S3/8151/MSDIWGCL56Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI) Questionnaire
201511/08/15S1/5051S3/8152CL57Report on the fifth session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management.
201517/08/15S3/0104S3/8152CL58Outcome of the 7th meeting of the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee - Availability of new worldwide Enc Database (WEND) services and related activities
201519/08/15S3/2641/ACL59Gebco Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) - Vacancy for an IHO representative
201519/08/15AB-2CL60FIG-IHO-ICA International Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC) - Vacancy for an IHO Representative
201524/08/15S3/8151CL61ECDIS - Guidance on good practice
201526/08/15S1/4603S1/4826CL62Republic of the Congo and the Solomon Islands. Applications for Membership of the IHO.
201527/08/15S1/5015-S3/2513CL63Review by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission on its role and involvement in the GEBCO Project
201531/08/15S3/0104S3/4204CL64Revised Management, Review and Monitoring of new INT Charts
201531/08/15S3/8151/ENCWGCL65_Rev1Status of IHO ECDIS and ENC Normative References
201502/09/15S1/1001/WPCL66Report on the overall status of the IHO Work Programme Mid-year 2015
201504/09/15S1/0100CL67Malta, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Congo -Diplomatic Request seeking approval of the applications for membership of the IHO.
201514/09/15S1/5517/USACL68Granting of Observer Status to the Hydrographic Society of America (THSOA)
201517/09/15S3/0104CL69Outcome of the 7th IRCC Meeting
201521/09/15S3/2630CL70Rev1IHO - IOC Gebco Guiding Committee (GGC) - New IHO representative and approval of revised Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure.
201522/09/15S1/1900/ACL71World Hydrography Day - Proposed theme for 2016
201523/09/15S1/3023CBSC-1CL72Master of Science Programme in Hydrographic Surveying at the University of Southern Mississippi (USA). Sponsored by the Republic of Korea. Call for Nominations (Fourth Course).
201525/09/15S3/0104CL73Revision of the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC)
201501/10/15S1/1001/WPFO/592/16CL74Proposed IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2016
201512/10/15S1/1001CL75Annual Report of the IHO for 2014 and approval of the recommendations in the Finance Report
201526/10/15CBSC-1CL76Outcome of the 13th Meeting of the Capacity Building Sub-Committee (CBSC13) and the 2016 capacity Building Work Programme (2016-CBWP)
201504/11/15S3/4506CL77Re-Establishment of the Working Group on Marine Cartography of the International Cartographic Association
201512/11/15S3/3084CL78Outcome of the Seventh Meeting of the Sub-Committee on the World-Wide Navigational Warnings Service (WWNWS-SC).
201520/11/15S1/1900CL79IHO Video on Recruitment of Hydrographers - Request for video footage and images
201525/11/15S3/2641/ACL80GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN), Vacancy for an IHO representative - Extension of the deadline for nominations.
201526/11/15S1/1900/ACL81Theme for World Hydrography Day 2016 - "Hydrography - the key to well-managed seas and waterways"
201530/11/15AB-2CL82FIG/IHO/ICA International Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic  Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC) - IHO Nomination
201507/12/15S3/7198CL83Establishment of the IHO Hydrographic Surveys Scoping Project Team (H2SPT)
201509/12/15S3/8151/S-100CL84Establishment of IHO S-100 Project Teams
201509/12/15S1/5012CL85Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the International Cable¨Protection Committee
201510/12/15S3/0104CL86Approval of Revised Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for the IRCC
201515/12/15S1/1001/WP-FO/592/16CL87Rev1Approval of IHO Work Programme & Budget for 2016
201516/12/15S1/0501CL88Recruitment of a Technical Standards Support Officer in the Secretariat of the IHO
201517/12/15S3/4204CL89Modernizationof IHO Publication S-11 Part B International Chart Web Catalogue and Associated on line web based services
201517/12/15AB-4/S-5CL90Adoption of the new Publication S-5B edition 1.0.0 Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors, Category B
201518/12/15S3/4405/INT 1CL91IHO Publication INT1 Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on Charts. English version, 8th edition (2015) and Spanish version, 5th edition (2015)
201521/12/15S3/4405CL92Approval of the Draft Revision 4.6.0 of IHO Publication S-4. Chart Specifications of the IHO
201522/12/15S1/0900CL93Cumulative List of  IHO Circular Letters issued in 2015 (including Finance Committee Circular Letters)
201406/01/14S1/0100CL01 Rev1Status Report on Voting Approval for Amendments to the Convention on the IHO and of Applications from new Member States
201407/01/14S1/1900/ACL02Theme for World Hydrography Day 2014
201407/01/14S3/4405CL03Chart Specifications of the IHO S-4. Revision 4.4.0 (French version)
201408/01/14S3/8152CL04Proposed definition of cartographic boundary for inclusion in the WEND principles
201408/01/14FO/599/01CL05Proposed IHO Resolution on Guiding Principles for IHO Funds
201413/01/14S3/8152CL06Revision of the Guidelines for the implementation of the WEND Principles
201414/01/14S1/3088CL07New IHO Member State - Montenegro
201420/01/14S3/8151/HSSCCL08Outcome of the 5th Meeting of the HSSC
201421/01/14S3/3084CL09Fifth meeting of the Sub-Committee on the Worldwide Navigational Warnings Service (WWNWS)
201424/01/14S3/2620CL10Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the Nippon Foundation
201403/02/14AB-4/S-5CL11IHO Publications S-5 Ed 11.1.0 & S-8 Ed 3.1.0."Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors" and "Standards ofCompetence for Nautical Cartographers" Request for comments from Member States
201405/02/14TA-006/ S1/3022CL12IHO Nippon Foundation Chart Project. Call for Applications for 6th Course inHydrographic Data Processing and MarineCartography
201406/02/14S3/2620CL13IHO - IOC - Nippon Foundation - GEBCO Training Project. Call for Applications for 11thGraduate Certificate Course in OceanBathymetry
201406/02/14S3/6003-S3/0104CL14Proposal for Amendments to the IHO Resolution 1/2005, as amended. Response to Disasters.
201410/02/14CBSC-1 / AB-1CL15Capacity Building and Standards of Competence Stakeholder's Seminars,  5-6 and 7 March, IHB Monaco - ConsolidatedProgrammes
201410/02/14S3/3084CL16Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information. Publication S-53,New edition July 2014
201411/02/14S3/1400CL17Proposed revisions to IHO Resolutions on Tides, Water Levels and Tidal Publications
201411/02/14S3/8151/TSMADCL18Approval of new editions of IHO Publications: S-57, Appendix B-1 Annex A: Use of the Object Catalogue: S-58 ENC ValidationChecks, S-57 Supplement No3
201412/02/14S3/7050CL19Hydrographic Dictionary S-32
201417/02/14S3/2641/ACL20GEBCO-SCUFN Membership and Vacancy. Request for IHO nominated experts
201418/02/14S3/0304CL21National Experts on the Law of the Sea
201424/02/14S3/0104CBSC-1CL22Twelfth meeting of the Capacity Building Sub Committee (CBSC12). Brest, FRA 14-16 May 2014. Sixth meeting of the Inter- Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC6), Paris, FRA 19-20 May 2014.
201424/02/14S1/0906CL23Implementation of a country information database at the IHB for the maintenance and publication of the IHO Yearbook
201425/02/14S1/5517CL24IHO Participation in Hydro14. Aberdeen, UK 28-30 October, 2014
201406/03/14S1/1900/ACL25Background Briefing Note for World Hydrography Day 2014
201410/03/14S1/5062CL26Call for nominations for the Evaluation Team of the first phase of GEOSS
201413/03/14S3/0128CL27IHO Hydrographic Commission on Antarctica, (HCA). 13th Conference Cadiz, Spain. 3-5 December 2013
201425/03/14S3/3055CL28IHO Contribution to the development of a mandatory code for ships operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code)
201426/03/14AB-2CL29FIG-IHO-ICA International Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC) - IBSC Vacancy
201401/04/14S1/3023CBSC-1CL30Master of Science Programme in Hydrographic Surveying at the University of Southern Mississippi (USA) sponsored by theRepublic of Korea - Selection of Candidates (second course)
201402/04/14FO/51237-2014CL31Change of Bank account details
201414/04/14S3/4405CL32Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) - Approval of new and revised Specifications related to Sections B-100 - General and B-400- Hydrography and Aids to Navigation
201415/04/14FO/599/01CL33Approval of IHO Resolution on Guiding Principles for IHO Funds.
201428/04/14S3/4405CL34CHART SPECIFICATIONS OF THE IHO (S-4) Approval of Revised Specifications related to Sections B-400 and C-400Hydrography and Aids to Navigation
201429/04/14S3/2641/ACL35GEBCO  (SCUFN)-New member
201402/05/14TA-006-S1/3022CL36IHO - Nippon Foundation Chart Project- Successful Candidates for the 6th Course
201408/05/14S3/2641/ACL37GEBCO - Sub Committee on Underwater Feature Names. Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 23-27 September 2013
201413/05/14S3/4405CL38Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4), Section B500, Text:  Language, numbers, abbreviations, names, styles and fonts.
201421/05/14S3/8151/HSSCCL39Re-Structuring of the Working Groups of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC)
201426/05/14S3/8152CL40Definition of Cartographic Boundary included in the Annex to the WEND Principles and Revision of the Guidelines for theimplementation of the WEND Principles.
201427/05/14S3/3075CL41Preparation for the 1st session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue. 30 June to 4July 2014, London, United Kingdom.
201411/06/14S3/3055CL42Report on the 93rd Session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee.
201413/06/14S3/0302CL43Manual on Technical Aspects of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea - 1982. Publication C-51, New Edition5.0.0
201413/06/14S3/1400CL44Proposed Revisions to IHO Resolutions on Tides, Water Levels and Tidal Publications.
201416/06/14S1/5000CL45Applications from the International Harbour Masters’ Association (IHMA) and the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) to be granted Observer status as Non-Governmental International Organizations.
201417/06/14S3/8151/TSMADCL46S-57, Appendix B.1, Annex A - Use of the Object Catalogue. S-58 - ENC Validation checks. S-57 Supplement N°3
201418/06/14S3/7050CL47Hydrographic Dictionary (S-32) – Adoption of new definitions
201420/06/14S3/8151/HSSCCL48Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC), 6th Meeting, 11-14 November 2014, Viña del Mar, Chile
201423/06/14S3/4405CL49S-4 - Chart Specifications of the IHO Revised Specifications related to Section A-204 International Chart Numbering.
201409/07/14S3/3075CL50Report on the 1st Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue. (NCSR 1)
201415/07/14S1/5051TA-005-3CL51Fourth Session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on global Geospatial Information Management. New York, USA 6-8August 2014.
201421/07/14S3/3055CL52Proposed submission on E-Navigation to the 94th Session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC94)
201422/07/14TA-005-3CL53IHO Contribution to the preparation of the United Nations Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
201404/08/14S1/1001/13CL54Annual Report of the IHO for 2013. Part 1 and part 2 (Finances).
201411/08/14S3/8151/HSSCCL55Approval of New Editions of the IHO Publications: S-52 - Specifications for Chart Content and Display Aspects of ECDIS,Edition 6.1.0: S-52, Annex A - IHO Presentation Library for ECDIS, Edition 4.0.0 - S-64 - IHO Test Data Sets for ECDIS,Edition 3.0.0
201412/08/14S1/5051TA-005-3CL56Report on the 4th session of the UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management.
201412/08/14S3/0104CL57Outcome of the Sixth Meeting of the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC6)
201413/08/14S3/0104CL58Revision of the Rules of Procedure of the IRCC
201413/08/14S3/0104S3/8152CL59ENC Distribution census
201413/08/14S1/3026CL60Vacancies for Nautical Cartographers in New Zealand
201419/08/14S1/5000S1/5024CL61Granting of Observer Status to the International Harbour Masters' Association  (IHMA) and the Institute of Marine Engineering,Science and Technology (IMarEST)
201425/08/14CBSC-1CL62Outcome of the 12th Meeting of the Capacity Building Sub-Committee
201428/08/14S1/1811CL63Call for Applications for the Position of Editor of the International Hydrographic Review.
201410/09/14S1/1900/ACL64World Hydrography Day - Proposed theme for 2015.
201415/09/14S1/3023CBSC-1CL65Master of Science Programme in Hydrographic Surveying at the University of Southern Mississippi (USA) Sponsored by theRepublic of Korea. Call for Nominations.
201417/09/14S3/3084CL66Outcomes of the Sixth Meeting of the Sub-Committee on the World-Wide Navigational Warnings Service (WWNWS-SC)
201419/09/14AB-4/S-5, S-8CL67Approval of new editions of IHO Publications: S-5 Ed. 11.1.0 - Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors. S-8 Ed.3.1.0 - Standards of Competence for Nautical Cartographers.
201401/10/14S3/2641/ACL68GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) 27th Meeting, IHB Monaco 16-20 June 2014
201420/10/14S3/4405CL69S-4 Chart Specifications of the IHO - Revision 4.5.0
201420/10/14S1/1900S1/3021CL70Availability of Informative Videos on Hydrography
201424/10/14S3/0104CL71Approval of revision of the Rules of Procedure of the IRCC.
201407/11/14S3/0104S3/8152CL72Results of the ENC distribution census
201410/11/14S1/3023CBSC-1CL73Category "B" Marine Geospatial Information Programme Sponsored by the Republic of Korea - Call for applications
201426/11/14AB-4/S-5, S-8CL74Adoption of revised editions of IHO Publications S-5 - Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors (edition 11.1.0) andS-8 - Standards of Competence for Nautical Cartographers (edition 3.1.0).
201426/11/14S3/8151/HSSCCL75Approval of the draft revised edition 1.2.0 of the IHO Publication S-63 IHO Data Protection Scheme.
201428/11/14S3/8151/HSSCCL76Re-Structuring of the Working Groups of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC).
201428/11/14S3/8151/HSSCCL77Call for Resourcing the function of S-100 Registry Manager
201401/12/14S3/3055CL78Report on the 94th Session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee
201402/12/14S1/5041CL79Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the IHO and WMO
201412/12/14S3/0302/ABLOSCL808th ABLOS Biennial Conference
201422/12/14S3/8151/HSSCCL81Adoption of New Edition of IHO Publications: S-52 Specifications for Chart Content and Display Aspects of ECDIS, Edition6.1.0, S-52 Annex A- IHO Presentation Library for ECDIS Edition 4.0.0, S-64 IHO Test Data Sets for ECDIS Edition 3.0.0
201422/12/14S1/1001/WPFO/592/14CL82Consequential adjustments to the IHO Work Programme for 2015
201423/12/14AB-2CL83FIG- IHO-ICA International Board on Standards pf Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC)IHO Nomination
201423/12/14S1/1811CL84Editor of the International Hydrographic Review
201423/12/14S1/0900CL85Cumulative List of IHO Circular Letters issued in 2014
201307/01/13S1/0100CL01Status Report on Voting Approval for Amendments to the Convention on the IHO and Applications for new Member States
201307/01/13S3/4405CL02Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) – Description of ‘after disaster’ surveys
201314/01/13S3/4405CL03Revision of the Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) – Section B-300 – Topography
201317/01/13S3/4405S3/8151/HSSC/S-65CL04ENC Production, Maintenance and Distribution Guidance, (S-65) Edition 2.0.0 April 2012. Chart Specification of the IHO (S-4) - Edition 4.3.0 August 2012. French versions.
201318/01/13S3/4405CL05Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) - Adoption of a "generic" light flare on multicoloured paper charts.
201318/01/13S3/2620CL06GEBCO GUIDANCE COMMITTEE (GGC) - Membership and Vacancy Request for IHO Nomination
201321/01/13S3/3055CL07IHO Contribution to the Development of a Mandatory Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters
201322/01/13S1/5014CL08Proposed Agreement of Cooperation between the IHO and IMO
201301/02/13CBSC-1S3/0104CL0911th Meeting of the Capacity Building Sub Committee (CBSC 11) and 5th Meeting of the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee(IRCC5), Wollongong, AUS 30 May 04 June 2013
201307/02/13TA-006-S1/3022CL10Japan Capacity Building Project 5th Course in Hydrographic Data Processing and Marine Cartography. 2 September - 15December 2013 UKHO Taunton
201307/02/13S3/2620CL11Nippon  Foundation - GEBCO  Training Project 10th Year
201308/02/13S3/3075CL12Report on the 17th Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications  and Search and Rescue (COMSAR 17)
201314/02/13S1/1900/ACL13World Hydrography Day 2013 – Preparations
201315/02/13AB-4CL14International Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC) -  Revision ofthe Standards
201319/02/13S3/0304CL15National Experts on the Law of the Sea
201321/02/13FO/51237-2013CL16Change in IHO Banking Institutions
201327/02/13S1/5051TA-005-3CL17Second Chengdu Forum on UN-GGIM Global Map for Sustainable Development: Development and Applications in UrbanHazard Mapping, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China,  24-26 April 2013.
201327/02/13S3/0302/ABLOSCL18IHO-IAG Advisory Board on Technical Aspects of the Law of the Sea (ABLOS) – IHO Representatives
201301/03/13S1/3040CL19Republic of Serbia - Suspension of rights of membership of the IHO
201311/03/13S3/8151/HSSCCL20Adoption of New Editions of IHO Publications : S-57 & S-99
201312/03/13S1/5051-TA-005-3CL21IHO Contribution to the preparation of the third Session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatia lInformation Management (UN-GGIM)
201314/03/13S3/4000CL22Counterfeit Charts and Nautical Publications
201314/03/13S3/8152CL23Third Meeting of the Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG3)
201315/03/13S3/0128CL24 Rev1IHO Hydrographic Commission on Antarctica (HCA)
201322/03/13S1/3023CBSC-1CL25Category "A" Hydrography Programme Sponsored by The Republic of Korea - Urgent call for nominations.
201327/03/13S3/2630CL26IHO-IOC GEBCO  Guiding Committee (GGC) – New IHO Representatives
201328/03/13S1/5000CL27Application by the Professional Yachting Association (PYA) to be granted Observer Status as a Non-Governmental InternationalOrganization
201302/04/13S3/3055CL28Progress Report on IHO Contribution to the Development of a Mandatory Code for Ships operating in Polar Wat ers (Polar Code)
201322/04/13S1/5014CL29Proposed Agreement of Cooperation between the International Hydrographic Organization and the International MaritimeOrganization. Progress Report
201330/04/13TA-006-S1/3022CL30Japan Capacity Building Project: 5th Course in Hydrographic Data Processing and Marine Cartography, including specialism inElectronic Navigational Chart. UKHO, Taunton, UK, 02 September - 13 December 2013.
201317/05/13S3/8151/HSSCCL31Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC) 5th Meeting 5-8 November 2013, Shanghai, China
201327/05/13S1/3005CL32Request to Member States from Canada for Information about Paper Chart Distribution
201329/05/13S3/3055CL33Preparation of the 59th Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation. 2-6 September 2013, London UK.
201331/05/13S3/8151/HSSCCL34Promulgation of Temporary and Preliminary Notices in ENC ER Updates
201306/06/13S3/0302/ABLOSCL35IHO-IAG Advisory Board on Technical Aspects of the Law of the Sea (ABLOS) – IHO Representatives
201307/06/13S1/5000CL36Accreditation of the Professional Yachting Association (PYA) as an Observer to the IHO
201310/06/13S1/3023-CBSC-1CL37Republic of Korea Capacity Building Project. Category A Hydrographic Training 2013 - 2014. Announcement of Selectedcandidates
201312/06/13S1/5009CL38ICC 2013 - 26th International Cartographic Conference, Dresden Germany 25-30 August 2013, IHO Chart Exhibition.
201324/06/13S3/2643CL39GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN), 25th Meeting, Wellington, New Zealand 23-27 October 2012
201325/06/13S3/3055CL40Report on the 92nd Session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee and on the IMO Symposium on the Future of Ship Safety
201327/06/13S3/2644/ACL41Standardisation of Undersea Feature Names, Publication B-6, New Edition 4.1.0
201305/07/13S3/4405CL42Chart Specifications of the IHO S-4
201305/07/13S3/4405CL43Revision of the Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) – Section B-300 - Topography
201308/07/13S3/4405CL44Revision of the Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) – Adoption of a ‘generic’ light flare on multicoloured paper charts
201308/07/13S1/5051TA-005-3CL45Third session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial information management, Cambridge, UK 24-26July 2013
201317/07/13S1/5517CL46THS UK-IFHS-IHO  Conference "Digital Hydrography on the Maritime Web" (Southampton, UK,  29-30 October 2013)
201331/07/13S3/2630CL47IHO-IOC GEBCO  Guiding Committee Request for Nomination of Experts to fill a Vacancy
201301/08/13S1/5051CL483rd Session of the UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management - Report.
201312/08/13S1/1001CL49Draft Annual Report of the IHO for 2012 and approval of the recommendations in the Finance Report (see on the download list -Draft Publications awaiting approval by Member States)
201315/08/13S1/0502CL50Category A Staff Vacancy at the IHB
201316/08/13S3/8151/DQWGCL51Request for information on Hydrographic Office Publications explaining Data Quality
201317/09/13S3/8151/HSSCCL52Request from the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers for information on a common operating picture for oil spi llresponse
201318/09/13S3/2620CL53Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the Nippon Foundation.
201324/09/13S3/3055CL54Report on the 59th Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation
201303/10/13S3/4405CL55S-4 Chart Specifications of the IHO Revision 4.4.0 (English version)
201309/10/13S3/8151/SCWGCL56Surface Current Working Group (SCWG) – Notification of a questionnaire to assess user requirements
201325/10/13CBSC-1CL57Report of the 11th Meeting of the Capacity Building Sub-Committee
201328/10/13S3/4405CL58Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) (New and revised Specifications related to Sections B-100 - General and B-400 -Hydrography and Aids to Navigation
201329/10/13S1/1900/ACL59World Hydrography Day - Proposed Theme for 2014
201330/10/13S1/1001CL60Annual Report fo the IHO for 2012 / Parts 1 & 2
201330/10/13S1/1001/WPFO/592/14CL61Proposed IHO Work Programme & Budget for 2014
201306/11/13S3/0302CL62IHO-IAG Advisory Board on the Law of the Sea -Confirmation of renewal of membership
201308/11/13S3/1401CL63Manual on Tides in English
201311/11/13S3/0104CL64Outcome of the 5th meeting of the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC5)
201311/11/13S3/2630CL65IHO-IOC GEBCO Guiding Committee/ New Representative and confirmation of renewal of membership
201313/11/13S1/3023CBSC-1CL66Master of Science Programme in Hydrographic Surveying at the University of Southern Mississippi (USA) sponsored by theRepublic of Korea - Call for nominations
201321/11/13S3/2644/ACL67Standardization of Undersea Feature Names. Publication B-6, New Edition 4.1.0.
201321/11/13S3/2644/BCL68IHO-IOC GEBCO Gazetteer of undersea feature names on the web.
201329/11/13S3/0302CL69Manual on Technical Aspects of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea – 1982 – Publication C-51, New Edition5.0.0
201302/12/13S3/4405CL70S-4 – Chart Specifications of the IHO – Revised Specifications related to Sections B-400 and C-400 Hydrography and Aids toNavigation
201305/12/13S1/0502CL71Announcement of the Selection of a new Assistant Director at the IHB
201316/12/13CBSC-1AB-1CL72Capacity Building and Standards of Competence Stakeholders' Seminars 5-6 and 7 March, 2014, IHB Monaco
201320/12/13S3/4405CL73Revision of Chart Specifications of the IHO S-4 Section B-500
201320/12/13S1/1001/WPFO/592/14CL74Approval of IHO Work Programme & Budget for 2014
201323/12/13S1/0900CL75Cumulative list of IHO Circular Letters issued in 2013 (including CCLs and FCCLs)
201205/01/12S1/0100CL01 Rev1Update on Administrative Matters
201206/01/12S1/5000CL02Proposed Accreditation of the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) as a Non-Governmental InternationalOrganization.
201206/01/12S3/8151/HSSC S-100CL03Proposal to exempt certain changes to S-100 from the requirement for formal approval by Member States
201209/01/12S3/2705CL04Historic Tide Gauge Data in Non-Digital form in need of Rescue
201224/01/12S3/8152CL05Operational descriptions of IC-ENC and Primar RENCS
201224/01/12S3/2620CL06Withdrawn (see CL21/2012)
201226/01/12S3/4405CL07Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4)
201230/01/12S3/4405/INT3CL08INT3: Use of Symbols and Abbreviations
201230/01/12S3/8151/IECCL09IHO Publication S-64 "IHO Test Data Sets for ECDIS" Request for Member States Approval of Edition 2.0.0
201230/01/12S3/8151/TSMADCL10New IHO Publication S-102 "Bathymetric Surface Product Specification" Request for Member State Approval of Edition 1.0.0
201231/01/12S3/7050CL11Hydrographic Dictionary (S-32)
201202/02/12S3/8151/S-52S3/8151/HSSC-S65CL12IHO Publications : S-52 appendix 1 "Guidance on Updating the Electronic Navigational Chart" – Edition 4.0.0, S-65"ENCs, Production, Maintenance and Distribution Guidance" – Edition 2.0.0 – Request for Member State Approval of the NewEditions
201203/02/12S1/1900/ACL13World Hydrography Day – Theme for 2012
201203/02/12S3/0104CL14Prince Albert Ist Medal for Hydrography - 2012
201206/02/12S3/8151/HSSCCL15IHO Hydrographic Services and Standards  Committee (HSSC), 3rd Meeting, Monaco, 8-10 November 2011.
201208/02/12TA-006-S1/3022CL16Japan Capacity Building Project – 4th Course in Hydrographic Data Processing and Marine Cartography including specialism inElectronic Navigational Chart
201210/02/12S3/2620CL17Nippon Foundation – GEBCO Training Project Year 9
201210/02/12S3/8157CL18Update Report on IHO Action concerning ECDIS Software Issues
201215/02/12S3/2620CL19General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) – Establishment of the Sub-Committee on Regional Undersea Mapping(SCRUM) – Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure
201216/02/12S3/8151/HSSCCL20IHO Resolution 6/1932, as amended, on the "Study of Mean Sea Level"
201216/02/12S3/2620CL21Withdrawal of CL06/2012
201217/02/12S3/4244CL22Guidance for the Preparation and Maintenance of International Chart Schemes (S-11 Part A) – Updating of Annexes A and B
201217/02/12TA-006-S1/3022CL23IHO Capacity Building Work Programme 2012 – Course in Hydrographic Data Processing, Wellington, New Zealand, 9 July-10August 2012
201220/02/12S3/7020CL24Report of the S-23 Working Group
201220/02/12S3/0104CL2510 CBSC Meeting 4-6 June Singapore and 4 IRCC Meeting 7-8 June Singapore.
201224/02/12S3/7330CL26Issues relating to the encoding and symbolization of traffic separation systems in ECDIS
201228/02/12S1/4827CL27Application by Brunei Darussalam for IHO Membership
201201/03/12S1/5000S1/5066CL28Accreditation of the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) as an Observer to the IHO
201205/03/12S3/4405/INT1CL29IHO Publication INT1. Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on Charts. French Version, Edition No. 5 (2012) and SpanishVersion, Edition No. 4 (2011).
201208/03/12S3/2620CL30New Bathymetric Publication - IHO-IOC GEBCO Cook Book (B-11).
201209/03/12S1/0415CL31Work of the Staff Regulations Working Group (SRWG)
201212/03/12S3/0128CL32IHO Hydrographic Commission on Antarctica, 11th Meeting, Hobart, AUS, 5-7 Oct 2011
201214/03/12S3/8157CL33Safety Notice about the Reliable Operation of ECDIS
201227/03/12FO/598/01CL34Chair of the Finance Committee Meeting
201227/03/12S1/5058CL35Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
201227/03/12S3/3075CL36Outcome of the 16th Session of the IMO’s Sub-Committee on Communications and Search and Rescue (COMSAR 16)
201228/03/12S1/0624S1/6000CL37Participation of High Standing National Officials in the International Hydrographic Conferences
201230/03/12S3/7020CL38Report on the views expressed by Member States on the Report of the S-23 WG
201203/04/12TA-006CBSC-1CL39IHO Capacity Building Project – Course in Hydrographic Data Processing, Wellington, New Zealand, 09 July – 10 August 2012
201212/04/12S3/8152CL40Ensuring consistency between ENCs and corresponding paper charts
201216/04/12S3/8151/TSMADCL41Adoption of new IHO Publication S-102 "Bathymetric Surface Product Specification"
201216/04/12S3/0302/ABLOSCL427th ABLOS Biennial Conference
201217/04/12S3/4405CL43Chart  Specifications of the IHO (S-4) – Edition 4.2.0 – August 2011, French version
201204/05/12FO/598/01CL44Membership of the Finance Committee
201204/05/12S1/0415CL45Staff Regulations Working Group
201207/05/12S1/3022-TA-006CL46Japan Capacity Building Project - Selected candidates
201207/05/12S3/2620CL47New Bathymetric Publication IHO-IOC GEBCO Cook Book (B-11)
201209/05/12S1/0402CL48Rear Admiral G.S. (Steve) RITCHIE, CB, DSC
201214/05/12S3/8151/HSSC S-100CL49Result of proposal to exempt certain changes to S-100 from the requirement for formal approval by Member States
201214/05/12S1/3085CL50New IHO Member State - Republic of Cameroon
201218/05/12S3/4006CL51Continuous  Provision of ENCs and RNCs to the IHB
201221/05/12S3/8151/S-52CL52Adoption of New Editions of IHO Publications:  Edition 4.0.0 of S-52 Appendix 1 "Guidance on updating the ElectronicNavigational Chart"   Edition 2.0.0 of S-65 "ENCs, Production, Maintenance  and Distribution  Guidance"
201221/05/12S3/0302/ABLOSCL53ABLOS  Membership
201223/05/12S3/2641/ACL54GEBCO  Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) – Membership and Vacancy – Request for IHO nominatedExperts
201223/05/12S3/8151/IECCL55Adoption on Edition 2.0.0 of IHO Publication S-64 "IHO Test Data Sets for ECDIS"
201229/05/12S3/4244CL56Guidance for the Preparation and Maintenance of International Chart Schemes (S-11 Part A) – New Edition 2.0.5.
201230/05/12S3/3055CL5790th   Session of the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization
201204/06/12S3/8151/DQWGCL58Summary Report on a Survey by the Data Quality Working Group of Mariners’ Understanding and Use of Quality Indicators forChart Data
201205/06/12S3/8151/HSSCCL594th meeting of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC) and Associated IHO ECDIS Stakeholders' Forum. 25 -28 September 2012 Taunton, UK
201206/06/12S3/8151/HSSCCL60 Rev1Resolutions of the IHO (M-3) – Amendment to IHO Resolution 2/2007 – "Principles and Procedures for making changes to IHOTechnical Standards and Specifications"
201212/06/12S3/3080CL61Revision of IMO Assembly Resolutions A.705(17) and A.706(17)
201213/06/12ISPWGCL62Implementation of the Strategic Plan
201214/06/12S3/8151/HSSCCL63Resolutions of the IHO (M-3) Amendment to IHO Resolution 2/2007
201226/06/12S1/6009CL64Tonnage figures, number of shares and votes.
201226/06/12FO/598/01CL65Membership of the Finance Committee
201227/06/12S1/0415CL66Composition of the IHO Staff Regulations Working Group
201205/07/12S3/4405CL67Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4)
201210/07/12S1/1001/11FO/595/11CL68P-7 Annual Report of the IHO for 2011. Part I General & Part 2 Finances
201211/07/12S1/1900/ACL69World Hydrography Day (WHD) 2012 and theme for WHD 2013
201212/07/12S3/3055CL7058th   Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation
201213/07/12S1/6000/XVIIICL71P-6 Report of Proceedings of the XVIII IHC Monaco 23-26 April 2012
201213/07/12S3/2643CL72GEBCO Sub Committee on undersea feature names (SCUFN) 24th meeting in Beijing, China 12-16 September 2011
201220/07/12S3/6003CL73IHO Response to Disasters
201224/07/12S3/8157CL742nd Update Report on IHO Action concerning ECDIS Software Issues
201231/07/12S1/4915CL75Application by Georgia for IHO Membership
201201/08/12S3/7050CL76Hydrographic Dictionary (S-32) - New or Revised Definitions
201206/08/12S1/0404CL77New Directing Committee - Allocation of Responsibilities
201210/08/12S3/8152CL78Worldwide Electronic Navigational Chart Database Working Group request for input to the Guidelines for the implementation ofthe Wend Principles
201216/08/12S1/1001/11FO/595/11CL79Approval of Annual Report of the IHO for 2011
201216/08/12S3/2641/ACL80GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) - New Member
201216/08/12S3/4405CL81S-4 Chart Specifications of the IHO - Rev. 4.3.0 (english version)
201222/08/12TA-005-03S1/5051CL82Report on the Second Session of the UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management
201223/08/12S1/6009CL83Tonnage Figures, Number of shares and Votes
201229/08/12S3/8151/HSSCCL84Resolutions of the IHO (M-3). Approval of an Amendment to IHO Resolution 2/2007
201203/09/12S1/0402CL85Vice Admiral Alfredo CIVETTA
201212/09/12S1/1001/WPCL86Updated IHO Budget for 2013
201221/09/12TA-005-1CL87Memorandum of understanding between the IHO and the EC
201208/10/12S1/5051TA-005-3CL88Second High Level Forum on Global Geospatial Information Management, Doha, Qatar 4-6 February 2013
201210/10/12S3/3084CL89Fourth Meeting of the Sub-Committee on the World-Wide Navigtional Warnings Service  (WWNWS)
201229/10/12S3/8152CL90Encoding of all-round (OMNI-Directional) lights in ENC
201206/11/12S3/8157CL913rd Update Report on IHO Actions concerning ECDIS Software Issues
201207/11/12S1/3042S3/0302CL92Call for Expression of Interest to advise Ecuador on Potential Extension of the Continental Shelf
201209/11/12S3/0304CL93National Experts on the Law of the Sea
201212/11/12S3/6003CL94Final Text of Revised Resolution 1/2005 as amended – IHO Response to Disasters
201212/11/12S1/0506CL95List of Projects available for Personnel seconded from Member States to the IHB
201215/11/12S1/1001/WPCL96IHO Programme of Events – Longcast and Request for States to consider hosting meetings
201215/11/12TA 005-1CL97Cooperation between the IHO and the European Commission
201216/11/12S1/1001/WPCL98Finalised IHO Work Programme for 2013
201222/11/12S3/0104CL99Outcome of the Fourth Meeting of the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC4)
201227/11/12S1/0506S1/3023CL100Secondment of Mr. PARK MYUNG WON to the IHB
201228/11/12S1/6000/X-5CL101Dates for 5th Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference
201229/11/12S3/8151/HSSCCL102Outcome of the Fourth Meeting of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC) and Associated IHOStakeholders’ Forum
201203/12/12S3/3055CL103Report on the 91st Session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee
201204/12/12S3/8151/MSDIWGCL104Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI) Open Forum, 30 January 2013
201213/12/12CBSC-1CL105Report of the 10th Meeting of the Capacity Building Sub Committee (CBSC10)
201221/12/12S1/5009CL106ICC 2013 – 26th International Cartographic Conference (Dresden, Germany, 25-30 August 2013)
201221/12/12S1/0900CL107Cumulative List of IHB Circular Letters issued in 2012 (including CCLs, FCCLs)
201105/01/11S1/0100CL01Update on Administrative matters
201106/01/11S3/4405CL02Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) – Proposed New Definitions, Specifications and Symbols for Foul Area and Foul Ground
201107/01/11S3/4405CL03Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) – Approval of New and Revised Specifications for Chart Accuracy Note, Oscillating Lights, Floating Wind Turbines, Intervals between Symbols in Area Limits, Size and Displacement of Symbols, Floating Waste Bins,Fish Aggregating Devices, Sub-surface ODAS Instruments
201111/01/11S3/0302/ABLOSCL04IHO- IAG Advisory Board on Technical Aspects of the Law of the Sea (ABLOS): IHO Membership
201112/01/11S3/8151/HSSCCL05Approval of Edition 1.0.0 of S-99. Operational Procedures for the Organization and Management of the S-100 GeospatialInformation Registry.
201118/01/11S1/1900/ACL06World Hydrography Day – Theme for 2011
201119/01/11TA-6CL07Category B' Hydrographic Course at the Bangladesh Navy Hydrographic School (03 April - 01 September 2011)
201124/01/11S1/1001/WPCL08Annual Cycles for the Review of the New Strategic Mechanism
201131/01/11S3/8151/EUWGCL09Guidelines for encoding Temporary and Preliminary ENC Updates
201102/02/11S3/2620CL10Nippon Foundation – GEBCO Training Project Year 8
201103/02/11S3/4405CL11Chart Specifications of IHO S-4, Approval of New and Revised Specifications and Symbols for Virtual Aids to Navigation
201104/02/11S3/0104CL12Ninth Meeting of the Capacity Building Sub-Committee (CBSC-9) and Third Meeting of the Inter-Regional CoordinationCommittee (IRCC3), Niteroi, Brazil, 23-27 May 2011
201107/02/11S1/0100(S3/0302)CL13International Foundation for the Law of the Sea (IFLOS) – Summer Academy 2011
201110/02/11TA-006-S1/3022CL14Japan Capacity Building Project – 3rd Course in Hydrographic Data Processing and Marine Cartography, including specialism inElectronic Navigational Chart, UKHO, Taunton, UK, 5 September – 16 December 2011
201110/02/11S1/3013CL15Safer Seas ("towards Safer, Cleaner Seas"), Brest, France, 10-13 May 2011
201111/02/11S1/5065CL16Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the Secretariat of the PacificCommunity
201115/02/11S3/4405/INT1CL177th Edition of IHO Publication INT 1, English version – Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on Charts
201121/02/11S3/7050CL18Hydrographic Dictionary (S-32), New or Revised Definitions.
201124/02/11S3/8157CL19ECDIS Software Issues Workshop – Outcomes
201102/03/11S1/3026CL20Vacancies for nautical cartographers in New Zealand
201103/03/11S3/7350CL21Adoption of edition 4.2 of IHO Publication S-58
201109/03/11S3/8151/MSDICL22Adoption of Revised Edition of IHO Publication C-17 – "Spatial Data Infrastructures: ‘The Marine Dimensio n’ – Guidance forHydrographic Offices"
201111/03/11S3/8151/DQWGCL23Data Quality Working Group - Mariners' survey questionnaire on the understanding and use of quality indicators for chart data
201114/03/11S3/8151/HSSCCL24Approval of Amendments to IHO Resolution 02/2007 – Principles and Procedures for making changes to IHO TechnicalStandards
201114/03/11S3/3061CL25Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) – Revision 4.1.0
201121/03/11S3/2643CL26GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) – 23rd Meeting, Lima, Peru, 11-14 September 2010
201124/03/11S3/8151/HSSCCL273rd Meeting of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC) 8-10 November 2011, IHB Monaco
201128/03/11S3/3075CL28Outcome of the 15th Session of the International Maritime Organization’s Sub-Committee on Communications and Search andRescue (COMSAR15)
201126/04/11S1/3022-TA-006CL29Japan Capacity Building Project - Selected Candidates- UKHO Taunton 05 September - 16 December 2011.
201106/05/11S3/8151/EUWGCL30Status of Temporary and Preliminary ENC Updates Production
201109/05/11S1/1001/10 – FO/595/10CL31P-7: Annual Report of the IHO for 2010, Part 1 – General and Part 2 - Finance
201117/05/11S3/4405CL32Chart  Specifications of the IHO (S-4) – Approval of New Definitions, Specifications and Symbols for Foul Area and FoulGround
201119/05/11S1/5058CL33Memorandum of Understanding between the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)
201130/05/11S3/3055CL3489th Session of IMO's MSC
201101/06/11S1/5065CL35Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the Secretariat of the PacificCommunity
201115/06/11S3/3055CL3657th Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation
201117/06/11S3/8151/HSSCCL37Proposal to amend IHO Resolution 2/2007
201130/06/11CBC-1S1/3023CL38Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Republic of Korea and the IHO on Support of the IHO Capacity BuildingProgramme
201108/07/11S1/0900CL39IHO Publication M-2, Version 3.0.0, July 2011 "The Need for National Hydrographic Services"
201114/07/11S3/1106CL40Possible changes to universal co-ordinated time (UTC)
201118/07/11S3/7330CL41Proposed new edition of Annex A to Appendix B. 1 of S-57 - Use of the object catalogue for ENC
201119/07/11S3/0302/ABLOSCL42IHO-IAG advisory board on technical aspects of the law of the sea (ABLOS) / IHO Membership
201121/07/11S1/1900/ACL43World Hydrography Day (WHD) 2011 & Theme for WHD 2012
201121/07/11S3/8151/HSSCCL44Progress Report on S-100 and its Relevance to E-Navigation
201129/07/11S1/1001/WPCL45Proposed IHO Work Programme & Budget for 2012
201101/08/11S3/8157CL46ECDIS Data Presentation Test for Ships
201109/08/11S1/0502CL47Category A Staff Vacancy at the IHB
201109/08/11S3/0304CL48National Experts on the Law of the Sea
201110/08/11S1/1001-FO/595/10CL49Approval of the IHO 2010 annual report - Part 2 / Finances
201112/08/11S3/8151/HSSCCL50Resolutions of the IHO : M-3
201123/08/11CBSC-1CL51Report of the ninth meeting of the IHO Capacity Building Sub-Committee
201123/08/11AB-2CL52FIG-IHO-ICA International Board on standards of competence for hydrographic surveyors and nautical cartographers (IBSC) /Membership
201126/08/11S3/0104CL53Outcome of the third meeting of the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC3)
201131/08/11S3/4405CL54Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) Revision 4.2.0
201131/08/11S3/7020CL55Working Group on the revision of special publication S-23 / Limits of Oceans and Seas.
201112/09/11S3/0302/ABLOSCL56IHO-IAG Advisory Board on Technical Aspects of the Law of the Sea (ABLOS) – IHO Membership
201113/09/11S1/0506CL57List of projects available for personnel seconded from Member States to the IHB
201114/09/11S1/0015CL58Status on voting on the amendments to the Convention
201115/09/11TA-006-1CL59Multi-beam Sonar Training course in Fremantle (Australia) 31 October - 05 November  2011
201128/09/11S1/1001/WPFO/592/12CL60Proposed IHO Work Programme & Budget for 2012
201130/09/11S3/3084CL613rd Meeting of the World-Wide Navigational Warning Service Sub-Committee (WWNWS)
201113/10/11S3/0304CL62National Experts on the Law of the Sea
201124/10/11TA-006-1CL63Multi-beam Sonar Training Course in Fremantle Australia (31 Oct - 05 Nov)
201124/10/11TA-006CBSC-1CL64IHO Capacity Building Project Course in Electronic Navigational Chart Production Taunton, UK 30 January - 02 March 2012
201125/10/11S3/7330CL65Approval of the new edition of Annex A to Appendix B.1 of S-57- Use of the Object Catalogue for ENC
201103/11/11TA-005-3S1/5051CL66IHO Participation in the UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management
201103/11/11S1/5041CL67Request from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
201103/11/11S3/8157CL682nd IHO Technical Workshop on ECDIS Software Issues
201107/11/11AB-3CL69FIG-IHO-ICA International Board on Standards of competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC)
201110/11/11S3/0104CL70Prince Albert 1st Medal for Hydrography - 2012
201118/11/11S1/0502CL71Recruitment of Category "A" Staff
201125/11/11S3/2620CL72General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) – Establishment of the Sub-Committee on Regional Undersea Mapping(SCRUM) – Proposed Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure
201128/11/11S3/7355CL73New and Changed ENC Producer Agencies Listed in S-62 – List of Data Producer Codes
201129/11/11TA-006-CBSC-1CL74IHO Capacity Building Project, Course in Electronic Navigational Chart Production: Taunton, UK 30 January - 02 March 2012
201130/11/11S1/0624CL75Participation of high standing National Officials in the International Hydrographic Conferences
201102/12/11S1/4811CL76Application by the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam for IHO Membership
201102/12/11S1/1001/WPFO/592/12CL77IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2012
201105/12/11S3/0302/ABLOSCL7818th ABLOS Business Meeting
201106/12/11S1/5014CL7927th Regular Session of the IMO Assembly
201107/12/11S1/0420CL80Organizational structure of the IHB
201113/12/11S3/8151/HSSCCL81Proposal to amend IHO resolution 6/1932 as amended, on the "Study of Mean Sea Level"
201116/12/11S1/3072CL82Mr Toivo PRELA, Estonia
201123/12/11S1/0900CL83Cumulative list of IHB CLs issued in 2011
201005/01/10S1/0100CL01Update on Administrative Matters
201006/01/10S3/6000CL02IHO Resolution on Status of Hydrographic Surveying and Nautical Charting World Wide
201008/01/10TA-6-1CL03Multi-beam Course co-hosted by the Swedish Maritime Administration
201011/01/10S3/8151/HSSCCL04IHO Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC), 1st Meeting, Singapore, 22-24 October 2009
201013/01/10S3/8151/HSSCCL05IHO Publication - S-66 - Facts about Electronic Charts and Carriage Requirements
201014/01/10S3/7350CL06IHO Publication S-58 "Recommended ENC Validation Checks", Edition 4.1, January 2010
201014/01/10S3/7050CL07Hydrographic Dictionary (S-32)
201015/01/10S1/1005/ACL08Password Protection on the IHO Website
201025/01/10S3/8151/MSDIWGCL09Adoption of C-17 as a new IHO Publication
201028/01/10S3/4405CL10New Section of the Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) - Section B-600 Chart Maintenance
201029/01/10S1/1437CL11Retirement of Mrs. Renée Caudoux
201029/01/10S3/6000CL12Review of the Repertory of IHO Resolutions (M-3)
201001/02/10S3/8151/TSMADCL13Approval of Edition 1.2 of S-65 - ENC Production Guidance
201004/02/10S3/4405CL14Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) - New and Revised Specifications and Symbols for   Pipeline and Cable Tunnels, Bridges, etc.
201008/02/10TA-006-S1/3022CL15Japan Capacity Building Project. 2nd Course in Hydrographic Data Processing and Marine Cartography, including Specialism inElectronic Navigational Chart.
201008/02/10S3/2643CL16GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN). 22nd Meeting, Brest, France, 22-25 September 2009.
201008/02/10S3/8151/DQWGCL17ENC Data Quality Indicators.
201009/02/10S3/3061CL18New edition of IHO Publication S-49. Standardization of Mariners' Routeing Guides.
201010/02/10S1/0802-S3/6000CL19Copyright notice for IHO Publications.
201012/02/10S3/2620CL20Nippon Foundation - GEBCO Training Project Year 7
201024/02/10S3/8152CL21Urgent Re-examination of ENC Data
201002/03/10S3/0128CL22IHO Hydrographic Commission on Antarctica, 9th Meeting, Simon's Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 12-14 October 2009
201003/03/10S3/8151/CSPCWGCL23Approval of Edition 2.003 of S-11 Part A - Guidance for the Preparation and Maintenance of International Chart Schemes
201008/03/10S3/8151/DIPWGCL24Approval of Edition 6.0 of S-52 - Specifications for Chart Content and Display Aspects of ECDIS
201009/03/10S3/0104CL25Second Meeting of the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC2), New Orleans, USA, 17-18 June 2010
201018/03/10S3/7050CL26Proposed amendment to IHO Resolution K3.3 - Hydrographic Dictionary.
201029/03/10S3/3080CL27Outcome of the 14th Session of the International Maritime Organization's Sub-Committee on Communications and Search andRescue (COMSAR14)
201030/03/10S3/6000CL28Review of the Repertory of IHO Resolutions (M-3)
201006/04/10S3/8151/HSSCCL292nd Meeting of the IHO Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC): 26-29 October 2010, Rostock, Germany.
201027/04/10S1/3022-TA-006CL30Japan Capacity Building Project - Selected Candidates, 2nd Course in Hydrographic Data Processing and Marine Cartography,UKHO, Taunton, UK, 06 September - 17 December 2010 (Funded by the Nippon Foundation)
201007/05/10S1/1001/09-FO/595/09CL31P-7: Annual Report of the IHO for 2009 Part 1 - General & Part 2 - Finances - IHO Work Programme for 2010 (updated)
201019/05/10S3/7050CL32Proposed Amendment to IHO Resolution 7/1929 (formerly Resolution K3.3), as amended, - Hydrographic Dictionary
201021/05/10S3/3061CL33Approval of Edition 2.0 of S-49 - Standardization of Mariners' Routeing Guides
201025/05/10S3/3055CL3487th Session of IMOs Maritime Safety Committee (MSC87)
201025/05/10S1/0802-S3/6000CL35Copyright notice for IHO Publications
201001/06/10S3/1410CL36Inventory of Tide Gauges
201008/06/10S3/0304CL37National Experts on the Law of the Sea
201011/06/10S3/0302/ABLOSCL386th ABLOS Biennial Conference
201014/06/10S3/8151/CSPCWGCL39Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) and Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on Charts (INT1) - Small Craft (Leisure)Facilities Symbols
201022/06/10S1/1001/09CL40Revision of Annual Report of the IHO for 2009 - Part 1 - General (P-7)
201002/07/10S1/1438CL41Death of IHB Staff Member
201019/07/10S1/1900/ACL42World Hydrography Day (WHD) 2010 - and the theme for WHD 2011
201026/07/10S1/0415S1/0410CL43Withdrawn. See CL 47
201026/07/10S1/1001/WPCL44Proposed IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2011
201027/07/10S1/3008CL45GEOMATICA 2011
201003/08/10S1/1001-FO/595/08CL46Approval of Annual Report of the IHO for 2009 - Part 2 - Finances
201004/08/10S1/0415S1/0410CL47Withdrawal of the Staff Regulations Working Group Final Report
201004/08/10S3/3055CL4856th Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation
201006/08/10S3/4405CL49Approval of Section B-600 of Publication S-4, Chart Specifications of the IHO
201009/08/10S3/0104CL50Outcomes of the Second Meeting of the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC2)
201010/08/10S1/1811CL51The International Hydrographic Review - The Printed and Edited Edition
201017/08/10S3/3061CL52Chart specifications of the IHO (S-4)
201020/08/10S1/0500CL53Staff changes at the bureau
201023/08/10S3/8152CL54Limitation in ECDIS Equipment Software
201030/08/10S1/0502CL55Vacancy of Category A Staff
201030/08/10S3/4405CL56Chart specifications of the IHO (S-4)
201006/09/10S3/3084CL572nd Meeting of the World-Wide Navigational Warnings Service Sub-Committee (WWNWS)
201006/09/10S3/0302CL58Manual on Technical Aspects of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea – 1982 (IHO Publication C-51 –4th Edition) – Spanish Edition
201007/09/10S3/8151/DQWGCL59CATZOC Classification of Legacy Data
201009/09/10S3/8151/HSSCCL602nd Meeting of the IHO Hydrographic Services and Standards  Committee (HSSC) – Chairman’s Letter of Welcome
201013/09/10S3/0304CL61National Experts on the Law of the Sea
201006/10/10S1/1001/WP-FO/592/10CL62Proposed IHO Work Programme &  Budget for 2011
201008/10/10S3/0131CL63Establishment of the Arctic Regional Hydrographic Commission (ARHC)
201012/10/10S1/1811CL64The International Hydrographic Review – Appointment of a new Editor
201012/10/10S3/3084CL65Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information – Draft Revised NAVTEX Manual
201018/10/10S3/0123CL66International Hydrographic Seminar in India
201020/10/10S3/3061S3/4405CL67Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) New and Revised Specifications and Symbols for Virtual Aids to Navigation
201021/10/10TA-006CBSC-1CL68IHO Capacity Building Project Course in Marine Cartography Taunton, UK, 7 March - 8 April 2011
201025/10/10S3/0104CL69Approval of Amendments to A402.1 in S-4 and Resolution 2/1997 in M-3
201002/11/10S3/8151/HSSCCL70Recommendation by HSSC for IHO to adopt S-99 as an IHO Standard
201003/11/10S3/4405CL71Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) and Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on   Charts (INT1) – Small Craft (Leisure)Facilities Symbols
201008/11/10AB-2CL72FIG/IHO/ICA International Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers –Individual recognition schemes – submission review fee – updated Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure
201009/11/10S3/0302/ABLOSCL736th ABLOS Biennial Conference and 17th ABLOS Business Meeting
201011/11/10S3/3084CL74Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information – Draft Revised NAVTEX Manual
201012/11/10S3/7050CL75Hydrographic Dictionary (S-32)
201015/11/10S3/0302/ABLOSCL76IHO-IAG Advisory Board on Technical Aspects of the Law of the Sea (ABLOS) – IHO        Membership
201015/11/10S3/3055CL77E-Navigation and the IHO
201016/11/10S1/5009CL78ICC 2011 – 25th International Cartographic Conference (Paris, France, 3-8 July 2011)
201022/11/10S3/0128CL79IHO Hydrographic Commission on Antarctica (HCA), 10th Meeting, Cambridge, United      Kingdom, 20-22 September 2010
201030/11/10TA-005-5CL80Memorandum of Understanding between the IHO and the Panamerican Institute of Geography and History
201003/12/10S1/1001/WP-FO/592/10CL81IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2011
201007/12/10S1/6000/XVIIICL82XVIIIth International Hydrographic Conference, April 2012
201007/12/10S3/3055CL8388th Session of the International Maritime Organization’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC88)
201009/12/10TA-006CBSC-1CL84IHO Capacity Building Project Course in Marine Cartography - Selected candidates. Taunton UK - 07 March - 08 April 2011
201010/12/10S3/2620CL85IOC-IHO/GEBCO Guiding Committee Meeting, Lima, Peru, 18 September 2010
201010/12/10S3/8151/HSSCCL86IHO Hydrographic Services & Standards Committee (HSSC), 2nd Meeting, Rostock, Germany, 26-29 October 2010.
201013/12/10S3/8151/HSSCCL87Proposed amendments to IHO Resolution 2/2007 – Principles and Procedures for making changes to IHO Technical Standardsand Specifications
201013/12/10S3/8151/MSDICL88Adoption of Edition 1.1 of C-17 – Spatial Data Infrastructures:  "The Marine Dimension" – Guidance for Hydrographic Offices
201013/12/10S3/8157CL89Workshop on ECDIS Software Issues
201014/12/10S3/7350CL90IHO Publication S-58 "Recommended ENC Validation Checks" -  HSSC Recommendation to adopt Edition 4.2
201020/12/10S1/0502CL91Recruitment of Category A Staff
201023/12/10S1/0900CL92Cumulative list of IHO Circular Letters issued in 2010
200905/01/09S1/0100CL01Voting Situation for the Amendments to the IHO Convention and update concerning Pending Member States
200912/01/09S1/0015CL02Protocol of Amendments to the IHO Convention
200912/01/09S3/7020CL03Working Group on the Revision of Special Publication 23 "Limits of Oceans and Seas" (S-23WG)
200913/01/09S3/4005CL04New Edition of Malacca and Singapore Straits ENCs
200915/01/09S3/8151/IECCL05IHO Publication S-64 "ECDIS Test Data Sets" New Edition 1.1- December 2008
200922/01/09S3/0128CL06IHO 8th HCA Meeting,  Niteroi, Rio, Brazil 6-8 October 2008
200922/01/09S1/5000CL07Proposed Accreditation of the Inland ENC Harmonization Group (IEHG) as a non-governmental international organization(NGIO)
200905/02/09TA-6CL08Twelfth (12th ) Hydrographic Course at the National Hydrographic School, Goa , India
200906/02/09S3/3075CL09Outcome of the 13th session of COMSAR, IMO London, UK 19-23 January 2009
200913/02/09S1/3022-TA-006CL10Japan Capacity Building Project & 1st Course in Hydrographic Data Processing and Marine Cartography, UKHO, Taunton, UK 7September 18 December 2009
200917/02/09S3/8151/HSSCCL11Review of IHO Technical Resolutions by the Committee on Hydrographic Requirements for Information Systems (CHRIS) -Group 1 of 4
200917/02/09S3/8151/HSSCCL12Review of IHO Technical Resolutions by the Committee on Hydrographic Requirements for Information Systems (CHRIS) -Group 2 of 4
200918/02/09S1/0900CL13Proposed Revised Administrative Resolutions Q1.1 and R4.1 ?IHO Publication Numbering, Classification and Pricing Policy
200918/02/09S3/2620CL14Nippon Foundation ?GEBCO Training Project Year 6
200920/02/09S1/1811-P/0005CL15The International Hydrographic Review Digital version and Prince Albert 1st Medal for Hydrography - Proposed AdministrativeResolution Q2.5
200902/03/09S1/0506-S1/3023CL16Secondment of Dr. SHIM MOON-BO to the IHB
200909/03/09S3/2630CL17GEBCO Guiding Committee and its Sub-Committees - Membership and Vacancies
200912/03/09S1/0015CL18Protocol of Amendments to the IHO Convention
200920/03/09S1/0410S1/0415CL19Amendment to IHO Publication M-7 - IHB Staff Regulations, 7th Edition, June 2004
200923/03/09S3/4405CL20Chart Specifications of the IHO (M-4)
200902/04/09S3/8157CL213rd International ECDIS Conference and Exhibition, Singapore , 19-21 October 2009
200908/04/09S3/7020CL22 Rev1Working Group on the Revision of Special Publication 23 "Limits of Oceans and Seas" (S-23WG)
200909/04/09S3/4010CL23List of Booklets on Chart Symbols and Abbreviations published by various Maritime Countries - Publication M-15 and Technical Resolution K1.1
200914/04/09S1/5000CL24Accreditation of the Inland ENC Harmonization Group (IEHG) as an NGIO Observer to the IHO
200917/04/09TA-006-1CL25Hydrographic Courses at the Pakistan Navy Hydrographic School, Karachi (2009-2010).
200920/04/09S3/2630CL26GEBCO Guiding Committee and its Sub-committees: Membership and Vacancies
200924/04/09S1/3022-TA-006CL27Japan Capacity Building Project: Selected Candidates
200924/04/09S1/1001/08-S1/0900CL28P-7: Annual Report of the IHO for 2008
200928/04/09S3/8151/HSSCCL29Review of the Technical Resolutions by CHRIS (Group 2 of 4)
200929/04/09S3/8151/HSSCCL30Review of the Technical Resolutions by CHRIS ( Group 3 of 4)
200908/05/09S1/1900/ACL31Celebration of the World Hydrography Day (WHD) 2009
200912/05/09S3/8151/HSSCCL32IHO S-57 Supplement 2 -  Announcement of Document Release
200919/05/09S1/1900/ACL33World Hydrography Day - IHO Slideshow
200919/05/09S3/8151/S52CL34S-52 "Specifications for Chart Content and Display Aspects of ECDIS" Draft 6th Edition - Request for Stakeholder Feedback
200910/06/09S3/8152CL35Request to report National Status of ENC Coverage
200912/06/09S3/8151/HSSCCL36S-100 IHO Geospatial standard for marine data and information - request for Stakeholder Feedback
200915/06/09S3/8151/HSSCCL371st Meeting of the IHO Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC), 22-24 October 2009, Singapore
200916/06/09S3/3084CL38Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings Sub-Committee – Change of Name and Revised TOR
200916/06/09S1/0900CL39Approved new text for Administrative Resolutions Q1.1 and R4.1 - IHO Publication numbering, classification and pricing policy
200916/06/09S1/1811-P/0005CL40Approved new Administrative Resolution Q2.5 - IH Review and Prince Albert 1st Medal for Hydrography
200917/06/09S3/3055CL4186th Session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee
200925/06/09S3/8151/HSSCCL42Review of IHO Technical Resolutions by the Committee on Hydrographic Requirements for Information Systems (CHRI S)(Group 3 of 4)
200925/06/09S3/8151/HSSCCL43Review of IHO Technical Resolutions by the Committee on Hydrographic Requirements for Information Systems (CHRIS) (Group 4 of 4)
200925/06/09S3/0304CL44National Experts on the Law of the Sea
200901/07/09S3/7350CL45IHO Publication S-58 "Recommended ENC Validation Checks", Edition 4, June 2009
200903/07/09S3/3084CL46Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings Service Sub-Committee – Change of Name and Revised TOR
200906/07/09S3/3084CL47Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information – Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information and IHOPublication S-53 and S-53 Appendix 1
200907/07/09S3/2705CL4811th Meeting of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) Groupof Experts, May 2009
200909/07/09AB-2CL49FIG/IHO/ICA International Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers. Change of Name
200910/07/09S1/1900/ACL50World Hydrography Day – Theme for 2010
200915/07/09CBC-1CL51Report of the Seventh Meeting of the IHO Capacity Building Sub-Committee
200930/07/09S1/1001 – FO/595/08CL52P-7:  Annual Report of the IHO for 2008 – Part 1 – General & Part 2 – Finances  - IHO Work Programme for 2009 (updated)
200931/07/09S1/1001/WPCL53Proposed IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2010
200903/08/09AB-2CL54FIG/IHO/ICA International Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers  - NewName
200905/08/09S3/4405CL55Revised Section of the Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4)
200905/08/09S1/6000/X-4CL56P-6: Report of Proceedings of the 4th Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference, Monaco, 2-4 June 2009.
200910/08/09S3/3055CL5755th Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation
200911/08/09S1/0402CL58Rear Admiral Sir David Haslam, CB, KBE
200901/09/09TA-006-CBSC-1CL59IHO Capacity Building Project, Course in Marine Cartography. Singapore,  22 February - 26 March - 2010
200907/09/09S3/0302/ABLOSCL6016th ABLOS Business Meeting
200907/09/09S3/8151/HSSCCL61Review of Technical Resolutions by CHRIS
200908/09/09S3/6000CL62Review of Resolutions by the IHB
200909/09/09S1/0015CL63Protocol of Amendments to the IHO Convention.
200925/09/09S1/1001/WP-FO/592/10CL64Proposed IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2010
200925/09/09S3/3084CL651st Meeting of the WWNWS
200930/09/09S1/3000CL66Host Members' States assistance in obtaining entry visas for IHO delegations
200906/10/09S3/0304CL67National Experts on the Law of the Sea
200914/10/09S3/3084CL68Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information International SafetyNET Manual
200919/10/09S1/0015CL69Protocol of Amendments to the IHO Convention
200926/10/09S3/8151/HSSCCL70Recommendation by HSSC for IHO to adopt S-100 as an active standard
200928/10/09S3/0103CL71Memorandum of Understanding between the IHO and the Association of Caribbean States
200906/11/09S3/6000CL72Review of IHO Resolutions by the IHB
200910/11/09S3/7050CL73HSSC – Hydrographic Dictionary Working Group (HDWG) - Membership
200911/11/09S3/7050CL74Navigable Inland Waters
200912/11/09S3/6000CL75IHO Resolution on Status of Hydrographic Surveying and Nautical Charting World wide
200912/11/09TA-006CL76IHO Capacity Building Project – Course in Marine Cartography – Selected Candidates
200918/11/09S3/3084CL77Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information – International SafetyNET Manual
200918/11/09S3/8151/MSDIWGCL78New IHO Publication C-17
200920/11/09S3/4405CL79Chart Specifications of the IHO (S-4) – Revised Sections - B-480-B-499
200923/11/09S3/8151/HSSCCL80New Edition of IHO Publication S-65
200924/11/09S1/1005/ACL81Password Protection on IHO Website
200925/11/09S1/1001/WPFO/592/10CL82IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2010
200904/12/09S3/8151/HSSCCL83Adoption of S-100 as an Active Standard
200909/12/09S3/0302/ABLOSCL846th ABLOS Biennial Conference
200910/12/09S3/7355CL85IHO Publication S-62" ENC Producer Codes". Edition 2.5 December 2009
200914/12/09S3/8151/CSPCWGCL86Revision of IHO Publication S-11
200915/12/09S3/8151/DIPWGCL87S-52 – Specifications for Chart Content and Display Aspects of ECDIS, Draft Edition 6.0, January 2010
200916/12/09S3/2543CL88Worldwide Seafloor Swath-Mapping Systems
200916/12/09S1/1811CL89The International Hydrographic Review
200917/12/09S3/2636CL90Request for Shallow Water Bathymetric Data
200918/12/09S3/7050CL91Navigable Inland Waters
200923/12/09S1/0900CL92Cumulative List of IHB Circular Letters issued in 2009
200803/01/08S1/0100CL01Voting Situation for the Amendments to the IHO Convention and Update concerning Pending Member States
200804/01/08S1/3000CL02Consultation between the IHB and IHO Member States - Low response rates to Circular Letters
200804/01/08S3/4405/INT1CL03Introduction of IHO Publication INT 1 - Spanish version
200804/01/08S1/3000CL04Host Member States' assistance in obtaining entry visas for IHO delegates
200814/01/08S3/0302/ABLOSCL05Review of Technical and Administrative Resolutions (M-3) by the Advisory Board on the Law of the Sea (ABLOS)
200822/01/08S1/0415CL06 Rev1Participation in the IHO Working Group to review IHB Staff Regulations
200818/01/08S3/0128CL07IHO Hydrographic Commission on Antarctica, 7th Meeting, Buenos Aires , Argentina , 3-5 October 2007
200824/01/08S3/2620CL08Nippon Foundation – GEBCO Training Project Year 5 – Confirmation
200824/01/08CBC-1CL09National Hydrographic Regulations
200824/01/08S3/3055CL10IHO Online Chart Catalogue – Coastal States’ Recommended Paper Charts
200825/01/08S3/0128CL11IHO Hydrographic Commission on Antarctica. Proposed amendment to the revised IHO General Regulations
200829/01/08AB-2CL12FIG/IHO/ICA Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers –Membership
200801/02/08S1/3057CL13Reinstatement of Suriname
200814/02/08TA-005-01CL14Memorandum of Understanding between the IHO and the European Union Commission
200820/02/08S3/2643CL15GEBCO-SCUFN 20th Meeting, IHB 9-12 July 2007
200822/02/08S3/8151CL16Facts about Electronic Charts and Carriage Requirements
200826/02/08S3/6004CL17Review of Technical and Administrative Resolutions (M-3) by the Capacity Building Committee
200827/02/08S3/1401/WGCL18Publication of Digital Tide Tables
200827/02/08S3/1401/WGCL19Review of Technical Resolutions by the IHO Tidal Committee
200827/02/08S3/6000CL20Proposed New Resolution R4.2 – Translation of IHO Publications
200828/02/08S3/7198CL22Standards for Hydrographic Surveys – S-44, 5th Edition
200828/02/08S1/1810CL23IHB Response to an article in Digital Ship concerning Jeppesen Marine
200805/03/08S3/2620CL24GEBCO New Terms of Reference and Terms of Procedure
200811/03/08AB-2CL25FIG/IHO/ICA Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers – NewMember
200814/03/08S3/8161CL26S-101 Stakeholders’ Workshop
200817/03/08S3/4405CL27Revised Section of the Chart Specifications of the IHO (M-4) and other CSPCWG Proposals
200819/03/08S3/0302/ABLOSCL28Review of Technical and Administrative Resolutions (M-3) by the Advisory Board on the Law of the Sea
200820/03/08S3/8151/CSMWGCL29New Editions of S-52 Appendix 2 and its Annex A – Presentation Library
200820/03/08S1/5029/AS1/5000CL30Proposed Accreditation of the International Maritime Pilots’ Association as a Non-Governmental International Organization(NGIO)
200828/03/08S3/8151/CHRISCL31Clarification of the Term "Inland Waters" in relation to the Hydrography and Cartography of Inland Waters Working Group(HC1WWG)
200831/03/08S1/0506CL32Secondment of Mr. Joon-Ho JIN to the IHB
200802/04/08S3/3055CL33Draft IHO Submissions on ENCs to IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation
200811/04/08S1/5015CL34Request from the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
200811/04/08S1/0506CL35Secondment of personnel to the IHB
200814/04/08S3/8162CL36New Edition of S-63 – IHO Data Protection Scheme, Edition 1.1,  March 2008
200815/04/08S3/4405/INT1CL37Introduction of IHO Publication INT 1 – English Version – Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on Charts
200821/04/08TA-006-4CL38IHO Multi-beam Course at the National Hydrographic School, Goa , India , 10-22 November 2008
200825/04/08S3/3075CL39Outcome of the 12th Session of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Sub-Committee on Communications and Searchand Rescue (COMSAR 12)
200828/04/08S3/0128CL40SEMINAR – "Importance of Hydrographic Activities in Antarctica", Kiev , Ukraine , Monday 09 June 2008
200828/04/08S3/8151/MSDIWGCL41IHO Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Working Group – Request for Information
200829/04/08S3/3055CL42IHO Submissions on ENCs to IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation
200829/04/08S1/1811CL43Future of the International Hydrographic Review
200830/04/08S1/1001/07S1/0900CL44P-7: Annual Report of the IHO for 2007, Part 1 – General & Part 2 – Finances, IHO Work Programme for 2008 (updated
200805/05/16S3/8151/CHRISCL45New Edition of IHO Publication S-65 – ENC Production Guidance
200819/05/08S3/3055CL4684th Session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee
200819/05/08S3/8152CL4711th WEND Committee Meeting, Tokyo , Japan , 2-5 September 2008
200821/05/08S1/0506CL48Request for secondment and permanent staff received from the Kingdom of Bahrain
200810/06/08S1/4704CL50Application by the Republic of Haiti for IHO Membership.
200818/06/08CBC-1CL51Report on Decision N° 17 of the XIIth International Hydrographic Conference – " Provision of Regional Staff Officers forCapacity Building Effort"
200825/06/08S3/0304CL52National Experts on the Law of the Sea
200827/06/08S3/0128CL53Proposed Amendment to Article 8 of the Revised IHO General Regulations
200827/06/08S3/3055 (S1/0506)CL54Secondment of Personnel to the IHB
200827/06/08S1/5062CL55Group on Earth Observations  (GEO)
200804/07/08S3/7220CL56"Training Courses in Hydrography and Nautical Cartography" – IHO Publication S-47
200804/07/08S3/6000CL57New Resolution R 4.2 – Translation of IHO Publications
200808/07/08S3/3055CL5854th Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation
200809/07/08S3/2620CL59GEBCO Guiding Committee and its Sub-Committees – Final approval of new Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure
200816/07/08S3/0302/ABLOSCL605th ABLOS Biennial Conference
200822/07/08S1/1001/WPCL61Proposed IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2009
200824/07/08S3/2675S3/6000CL62Review of IHO Technical Resolutions by GEBCO Guiding Committee
200824/07/08S3/2644/ACL63Standardization of Undersea Feature Names – Gudelines – Proposal Form – Terminology
200831/07/08S3/8151CL64Adoption of "Facts about Electronic Charts and Carriage Requirements" as IHO Publication S-66
200831/07/08S1/1811CL65Future of the International Hydrographic Review
200806/08/08S1/1900CL66Request for Digital Images
200807/08/08S1/1900/ACL67World Hydrography Day - Theme for 2009
200821/08/08S1/1001/07-S1/0900CL68P-7: IHO Annual Report of the IHO for 2007 Approval of the Finance Report for 2007 - IHO Work Programme 2008
200804/09/08CBC-1CL69"Provision of Regional Staff Officers for Capacity Building Effort" – Insertion of a paragraph 2bis under A.R. T1.3
200812/09/08S3/3084CL70Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information – Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information
200822/09/08S3/4405CL71Revised Section of the Chart Specifications of the IHO (M-4) and other CSPCWG Proposals
200822/09/08S1/3000CL72Raising Government Awareness of Hydrography
200829/09/08S3/0304CL73National Experts on the Law of the Sea
200830/09/08S3/8152CL74New Editions of South China Sea ENCs
200830/09/08CBC-1CL75Report of the Sixth Meeting of the IHO Capacity Building Committee
200830/09/08S3/4405CL76Chart Specifications of the IHO – Entry into force of New Revisions concerning: Use of English on Charts, Revised Section B-440, Mooring Ground Tackle, Magnetic Anomalies, International Abbreviations, Use of INT1 numbers.
200802/10/08S1/0506CL77Japan Capacity Building Project and Secondment of Personnel
200806/10/08S3/7020CL78IHO Special Publication 23  "Limits of Oceans and Seas"
200806/10/08S1/1001/WPFO/592/09CL79Proposed IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2009
200808/10/08S1/5029/AS1/5000CL80Accreditation of the International Maritime Pilots' Association (IMPA) as an Observer to the IHO
200808/10/08S3/3084CL8110th Meeting of the Commission on Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings (CPRNW)
200816/10/08S3/8152CL8211th Meeting of the WEND Committee, 4th ECDIS Stakeholders Forum 2-5 September 2008, Tokyo, Japan.
200820/10/08S3/0302/ABLOSCL835th ABLOS Biennial Conference and 15th ABLOS Business Meeting.
200828/10/08S3/3084CL84Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information- Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information
200829/10/08S3/2675S3/6000CL85Review of IHO Technical Resolutions by the GEBCO Guiding Committee
200804/11/08S3/7220CL86"Training Courses in Hydrography and Nautical Cartography" IHO Publication S-47, 6th Edition, updated October 2008
200807/11/08TA-6-1CL87Multi-Beam Course co-hosted by the Norwegian Hydrographic Service
200810/11/08TA-6CL88Establishment of IMSSEA
200813/11/08S3/8151/CHRISCL89Regional Coordination of ENC Compilation Parameters – Recommendation of BSHC model
200813/11/08S3/8151/CHRISCL90French Study Group on the Standardisation of the length of coastlines
200813/11/08S3/8151/CHRISCL91Invitation to join the RTCA Correspondence Group on Data Supply  Chain Certificate
200814/11/08S3/8151/CHRISCL92CHRIS ENC Updating Working Group
200817/11/08S3/8151/CHRISCL93Review of the IHO TR by the CHRIS
200818/11/08S1/6000/XVIICL94IHO Structure starting 01 January 2009
200820/11/08S1/3008CL95Geomatica 2009, La Havana, CUB
200824/11/08S3/2644/ACL96IHO-IOC Publication B-6, English/French version, 4th Edition, November 2008 – Standardization of Undersea Feature Names
200825/11/08S1/1001/WPFO/592-08CL97IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2009
200828/11/08S1/0900CL98IHO Publications
200828/11/08P/0005CL99Prince Albert Ist Medal for Hydrography
200801/12/08S1/1811CL100The International Hydrographic Review, Digital version
200809/12/08S3/3055CL10185th Session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee
200812/12/08S3/1001CL102Status of Hydrographic Surveying and nautical Cartography World-Wide (S-55)
200812/12/08S3/2630CL103GEBCO Guiding Committee and its Sub-Committees. Confirmation of IHO Nominated Experts
200812/12/08S1/1005/ACL104New IHO web address
200815/12/08S3/4010CL105List of Booklets on Chart Symbols and Abbreviations, published by various maritime countries. Publication M-15 and TechnicalResolution K1.1
200815/12/08S3/8151/CHRISCL10620th CHRIS Meeting
200823/12/08S1/0900CL107Cumulative List of IHB Circular Letters issued in 2008
200705/01/07S1/0100CL01Voting Situation for the Amendments to the IHO Convention and Update concerning Pending Member States
200708/01/07S1/3023CL02Secondment of Personnel to the IHB from the Republic of Korea
200708/01/07S3/4405/INT1CL03IHO Publication INT 1
200711/01/07S3/3055CL04IHO Online Chart Catalogue – Coastal States’ Recommended Paper Charts
200712/01/07S3/8151/CHRISCL05IHO S-57 Supplement No. 1 (Edition 3.1.1) – Announcement of Document Release
200718/01/07P-0005CL06Prince Albert 1st Medal for Hydrography 2007
200719/01/07S3/8152CL07ENC Production, Availability and Coverage.
200722/01/07S3/4405CL08Revised Section B-400 of the Chart Specifications of the IHO(M-4)
200725/01/07S3/0117CL09HELCOM / BSHC Harmonization Re-Survey Plan
200726/01/07TA-6CL10Tenth Hydrographic Course at the National Hydrographic School, Goa, India (18 June 2007 - 19 January 2008)
200730/01/07S3/8152CL1110th WEND Meeting, 11 & 14 September 2006, Monaco. 2nd ECDIS Stakeholders Forum, 12-13 September 2006, Monaco
200731/01/07S1/5015CL12Manual on Sea Level Measurement and Interpretation Volume IV (An update to 2006)
200701/02/07TA-5/ICGCL13International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG)
200702/02/07S3/2636CL14Request for Shallow Water Bathymetric Data
200702/02/07S3/0128CL15Hydrographic Committee on Antarctica 6th meeting November 2006
200705/02/07S3/4006S3/4204CL16IHB Chart Collection - Publication M-11
200705/02/07S3/0128CL17HCA data for S-55 GIS for Antarctica
200707/02/07S1/3082CL18New IHO Member State Romania
200709/02/07S3/7350CL19IHO Publication S-58 "Recommended ENC Validation Checks" Edition 3, February 2007
200709/02/07S3/8151/CHRISCL20Submission to IMO regarding the requirements for the Regular Maintenance of ECDIS Software
200716/02/07S3/0302CL21International Summer Academy at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Hamburg Germany 29 July - 26 August 2007
200716/02/07S1/1811CL22International Hydrographic Review Questionnaire
200719/02/07S1/1900/ACL23World Hydrography Day
200721/02/07S1/3008CL24GEOMATICA 2007 Havana, Cuba 12-17 February 2007 - IHO Workshop on Marine /Hydrographic Spatial Data Infrastructures
200726/02/07S3/3100CL25New IALA Emergency Wreck Buoy.
200701/03/07S3/8151/CHRISCL26S-100 Information Paper.
200706/03/07S1/3084CL27New IHO Member State. Saudi Arabia.
200708/03/07S3/3075CL28Outcome of the 11th Session of IMO's Sub-Committee on COMSAR 11
200712/03/07S3/8151/CHRISCL30Principles and Procedures for making changes to IHO Technical Standards and Specifications.
200712/03/07S1/1900/ACL31World Hydrography Day
200714/03/07S3/8151/CHRISCL32Improving ENC Consistency
200723/03/07S3/8151/CHRISCL33Submission to IMO regarding the requirement for the regular maintenance of ECDIS Software
200723/03/07S1/0210CL34IHB Terrace
200702/04/07TA-6CL35IMPORTANT NOTICE COURSE DATES HAVE CHANGED. 10th Hydrographic Course at the National Hydrographic SchoolGoa, India. 8 Oct 2008 - 15 March 2008.
200703/04/07S3/8151/CHRISCL3618th CHRIS Meeting Cairns, Australia, 25-29 September 2006
200712/04/07S1/3040CL37IHO Member State Status
200720/04/07S1/1001/06S1/0900CL38P-7 Annual report of the IHO for 2006 Part 1 - General & part 2 - Finances. IHO Work Programme for 2007 (updated)
200724/04/07S1/5009CL39ICC 2007 - 23rd International Cartographic Conference (Moscow, RUS, 4-11 August 2007). Nautical Chart Display by IHOMember States.
200725/04/07TA-6CL40Closure of the International Maritime Academy (IMA)
200726/04/07CBC-1CL41National Hydrographic Regulations
200726/04/07???CL42Submissions to the IMO Safety of Navigation (NAV) Sub-Committee
200727/04/07S1/1900/ACL43World Hydrography Day (WHD)
200722/05/07S1/3064CL44New IHO Member State - QATAR
200723/05/07S3/1401CL45Manual on Tides
200723/05/07S3/3055CL46Submission to IMO Safety of Navigation (NAV) Sub-Committee
200723/05/07S3/3055CL47IHO on-line Chart Catalogue - Coastal States' Recommended Paper Charts
200731/05/07S3/0304CL48National Experts on Law of the Sea
200701/06/07S3/4405/INT2CL49IHO Publication INT 2
200705/06/07S3/1000CL50IHO Manual on Hydrography (M-13) - French version
200706/06/07S3/4405CL51Revised section B-400 of the Chart Specifications of the IHO (M-4)
200708/06/07SPWG-1CL52IHO Strategic Plan Working Group
200713/06/07S1/3086CL53New IHO Member State Ireland
200715/06/07S3/3055CL54Development of Carriage Requirements for ECDIS
200720/06/07S3/8152CL56ENC Production, Availability and Coverage
200721/06/07S1/0015CL57Protocol of Amendments to the IHO Convention
200727/06/07S3/4405CL58Chart Specifications of the IHO (M-4) Additional Specifications fpr Wrecks, Chart Seals and Colour.
200729/06/07S1/1811CL59Reminder. IHR Questionnaire
200703/07/07CBC-1CL60Reminder. National Hydrographic Regulations
200704/07/07S3/8151/CHRISCL61CHRIS Chairmanship
200710/07/07S3/8151/CHRISCL62Establishment of Working Groups on Hydrography and Cartography on Inland Waters and on Hydrographic Community Inputs toNational Spatial Data Infrastructures
200710/07/07S1/1450CL63Professional Assistant for Data Management at the IHB
200713/07/07S3/8151/CHRISCL64Consistent encoding of ENCs
200717/07/07S3/7050CL65Transfer of Glossary of ECDIS Related Terms from S-52 Appendix 3 to ECDIS Glossary (S-32 Appendix 1)
200717/07/07S1/3013CL66Safer Seas ("Towards Safer, Cleaner Seas"), Brest , France
200719/07/07S3/8162CL67Status of Proposed IHO Technical Resolution
200719/07/07S1/0700CL68Nomination of the Chair, Vice Chair and Members of the IHO LAC
200720/07/07S1/6000/XVIICL69P-6 Report of the Proceedings of the XVII IHC 7-11 May 2007
200720/07/07S3/8152CL70Extraordinary WEND Meeting
200731/07/07S3/0304CL71National Experts on the Law of the Sea
200731/07/07S3/3055CL7253rd Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation
200701/08/07S1/5062CL73The IHO recognized as a participating Organization in the GEO
200702/08/07S1/3008CL74Equipment needs of the Hydrographic Office of Cuba
200710/09/07S1/4916CL75Application by the Republic of Montenegro for IHO Membership.
200723/08/07S1/5009CL76ICC'2007 - 23rd International Cartographic Conference,  Moscow, Russia, 4-9 August 2007.
200731/08/07CBC-1CL775th Meeting of the IHO Capacity Building Committee - Report.
200703/09/07S1/0404CL78Directors' Responsibilities.
200704/09/07S3/8152CL79Revised Agenda for the Extraordinary WEND Meeting and Member States' comments.
200710/09/07S1/1450CL80Appointment of Professional Assistant for Data Management at the IHB
200717/09/07S3/8151/CHRISCL81IHO CHRIS  - Result of the election of Chairman
200719/09/07S3/4405CL82Chart specifications of the IHO (M-4) Use of English on Charts
200720/09/07S1/0906CL83Updating Entries in the International Hydrographic Organization Yearbook (P-5).
200724/09/07S1/6000/XVIICL8417th IHC Decision N°8 - Restucturing of IHO Committees and other groups.
200725/09/07S3/8152CL85Final arrangements for the Extraordinary WEND meeting
200726/09/07S3/7020CL86IHO Special Publication 23 "Limits of Oceans and Seas".
200728/09/07S3/8151/GLOS3/7050CL87Transfer of Glossary of ECDIS Related Terms from S-52 Appendix 3 to ECDIS Glossary (S-32 Appendix 1)
200712/10/07S1/6000/X-4CL884th EIHC
200715/10/07S1/0700CL89Nomination of Chair, Vice Chair and Members of the LAC
200716/10/07S3/3055CL9083rd session of the IMO MSC
200718/10/07S3/3055CL91IMO Correspondence Group on E-Navigation
200719/10/07S3/3055 (S1/0506)CL92Secondment of Personnel to the IHB
200726/10/07S1/1001/WPFO/592/08CL93IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2008
200729/10/07S3/3084CL949th Meeting of the CPRNW
200729/10/07S1/1900/ACL95World Hydrography Day
200702/11/07S3/8152CL96Proposal to postpone the 11th Meeting of the WEND Committee until September/October 2008
200705/11/07S3/7198CL97Working Group on S-44 – Standards for Hydrographic Surveys
200705/11/07S3/1401/WGCL98Review of Technical Resolutions by the IHO Tidal Committee
200705/11/07S3/1401/WGCL99Publication of Digital Tide Tables
200709/11/07S3/6004CL100Review of Technical and Administrative Resolutions (M-3) by the Capacity Building Committee
200709/11/07CBC-1CL101National Hydrographic Regulations
200709/11/07S1/0700CL102Nomination of Chair, Vice-Chair and Members of the IHO Legal Advisory Committee
200709/11/07S1/0415CL103IH O Working Group to review IHB Staff Regulations (ISRWG)
200712/11/07S3/3084CL104Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information (MSI) and the World-Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS)
200713/11/07S3/7355CL105IHO Publication S-62 "ENC Producer Codes", Edition 2.4, November 2007
200715/11/07S3/8162CL106Entry into force of new IHO Technical Resolution A1.21
200716/11/07S3/4405CL107Chart Specifications of the IHO (M-4) – Additional Specifications for Wrecks, Chart seals and Colour
200721/11/07S3/8151/CHRISCL108ENC Consistency - S65
200730/11/07S3/8151IEC61174CL109Test Specifications for Electronic Chart Display and Information System IEC61174, Edition 3
200703/12/07S3/8152CL110Date of 11th Meeting of the WEND Committee
200705/12/07S3/2620CL111GEBCO  - New Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure
200706/12/07S3/8151/CHRISCL112IHO Working Group on Hydrography and Cartography in Inland Waters – Request for Information
200707/12/07S3/8162CL113Entry into Force of Revision Edition of S-63 – IHO Data Protection Scheme
200707/12/07S3/8152CL114Entry into Force of new IHO Technical Resolution A3.13
200710/12/07S1/6000/XVIICL115Restructuring of IHO Committees and other groups
200712/12/07S3/2620CL116Nippon Foundation – GEBCO Training Project Year 5
200713/12/07TA-6CL117Eleventh (11th) Hydrographic Course at the National Hydrographic School, Goa , India (23 June 2008 – 24 January 2009)
200713/12/07S3/0302/ABLOSCL1185th ABLOS Biennial Conference
200714/12/07S3/3084CL119Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information (MSI) and the World-Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS)
200717/12/07S3/8151/CHRISCL120Enhancing the Presentation of Survey Quality in ENC
200717/12/07S3/8151/CHRISCL121Guidance on Encoding of new S57 e3.1.1 objects and attributes
200718/12/07S3/8151/CHRISCL12219th CHRIS Meeting, Rotterdam , The Netherlands , 5-9 November 2007
200721/12/07S3/8152CL1231st Extraordinary WEND Meeting 30 October 2007 and Meeting of IHO Member States 31 October 2007
200721/12/07S1/0900CL124Cumulative List of IHB Circular Letters issued in 2007 (including CCLs, FCCLs)
200605/01/06S1/0100CL01Update Concerning Pending Member States and Situation of Voting for the Amendments to the IHO Convention
200613/01/06SPWG-1CL02SPWG Proposals: Changne from DC to SG and Directors and the status of their salaries under the new IHO structure.
200613/01/06S3/3057CL03Reporting and Publication of dangers to Navigation
200613/01/06S3/8045CL04Cooperative Agreement between the IHO and the DGIWG
200613/01/06S3/1000CL05Publication of the IHO Manual on Hydrography (M-13)
200618/01/06S1/5062CL06Intention of the IHO to become a participating Organisation of the GEO
200619/01/06S3/4006CL07Maintenance of Charts at the IHB
200623/01/06S1/1900/ACL08World Hydrography Day
200623/01/06S3/2620CL09Nippon Foundation - GEBCO Training Project Year 3
200624/01/06S3/3055CL10Volontary IMO Member State Audit Scheme
200624/01/06S3/0128CL11IHO Hydrographic Committee on Antarctica, 5th Meeting, Christchurch, NZ 2-4 Nov 2005
200625/01/06S3/2630CL12Composition of the Joint IHO-IOC Guiding Committee for GEBCO
200626/01/06S3/7050CL13IHO Committee on the Hydrographic Dictionary (CHD) Membership
200626/01/06S3/3055CL14On-Line Chart Catalogue
200630/01/06S3/3055CL15Meeting of the IMO Correspondence Group on evaluation of the use of ECDIS and ENC development. 20-22 Feb 2006 IHB Monaco
200630/01/06S3/8151/CHRISCL1617th CHRIS Meeting, Rostock, Germany, 5-9 September 2005
200602/02/06S1/4633CL17Application by the Republic of Sierra Leone for IHO Membership
200603/02/06S1/1001/ACL18IHO Web Site
200606/02/06S1/1809CL19The role of Hydrographic Services with regard to Geospatial Data and Planning Infrastructure.
200608/02/06TA-004-3CL20MoU between IHO and PMAWCA (Port Management Association Western and Central Africa)
200614/02/06S3/3055CL21Documents submitted to the IMO MSC of interest to Hydrographic Offices
200615/02/06S1/5000CL22Accreditation of NGIO's as Observers to the IHO
200621/02/06TA-6-1CL23Multibeam Course - Co-hosted by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)
200627/02/06S3/0304CL24National Experts on the Law of the Sea
200627/02/06S3/0123CL25Standardization structure for national reports to the RHC
200601/03/06TA-6CL26Ninth Hydrographic School at the National Hydrographic School, Goa, India (19 June 2006 - 20 January 2007)
200603/03/06S3/2630CL27Composition of the Joint IHO-IOC Guiding Committee for GEBCO
200607/03/06S3/0302CL28Manual on Technical Aspects of the United Nations Conention on the Law of the Sea - 1982 (IHO Publication S-51 -4th Edition)
200607/03/06S3/7355CL29IHO Publication S-62 "ENC Producer codes" Edition 2.2 March 2006
200608/03/06S3/4405CL30Revised section B-400 of the Chart Specifications of the IHO M-4
200620/03/06S3/8162CL31IHO Data Protection Scheme S-63. Proposed New Technical Resolutions A3.12
200622/03/06S3/4058CL32Geodetic Datum. Paper Chart "Appropriate Portfolio" for ECDIS
200623/03/06S3/4405/INT3CL33INT 3: Use of Symbols and Abbreviations
200627/03/06S3/3075CL34Outcome of the 10th Session of IMO's Sub-Committee on COMSAR
200628/03/06S3/2643CL35GEBCO Sub Committee on undersea feature names (SCUFN) XIII Meeting at the IHB Monaco , 3-6 October 2005
200628/03/06S3/2636CL36Request for Shallow Water Bathymetric data
200607/04/06SPWG-1CL37SPWG Proposals: Change from Directing Committee to Secretary General and Directors and examination of a new salarystructure.
200621/04/06S1/1001/05S1/0900CL38P-7: Annual report of the IHO for 2005. Part 1 - General & Part 2 - Finances.
200603/05/06S1/3038CL39Retirement Letter from NOAA Director
200609/05/06CBC-1S1/3023CL40Contribution of the Republic of Korea to the IHO Capacity Building Fund
200610/05/06SPWG-2CL41SPWG Legal Experts Meeting
200624/05/06S3/3100CL42New IALA Emergency Wreck Buoy
200629/05/06S3/3055CL4381st Session ofthe IMO Maritime Safety Committee
200629/05/06S1/3008CL44GEOMATICA 2007 "Geomatica for the development" Havana, Cuba, 12-16 February 2007
200601/06/06S3/0304CL45National Experts on the Law of the Sea
200602/06/06S3/3055CL46Employment Opportunity in New Zealand
200609/06/06S3/4405/INT1CL47Maintenance of IHO Publication INT 1. Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on Charts
200622/06/06S3/4405CL48Revised Section B-400 of the Chart Specificactions of the IHO M-4
200623/06/06S1/3019CL49Change of name for the Indonesian Hydro-Oceanographic Service
200606/07/06S3/4058CL50Geodetic datum- Paper Chart "Appropriate Portfolio" for ECDIS
200613/07/06S3/1401/WGCL51IHO Technical Resolution A6.2. Advance Supply of  Tidal Predictions.
200617/07/06S1/1001/WPCL52Proposed IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2007
200619/07/06S3/1000CL53IHO Manual on Hydrography M-13 - Spanish verison
200624/07/06S3/3055CL5452nd Session of IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation
200627/07/06S1/1900/ACL55Report on World Hydrography Day
200628/07/06S1/0900CL56Distribution of IHO Publications
200628/07/06S3/0304CL57National Experts on Law of the Sea
200625/08/06CBC-1CL58Fourth Meeting of the IHO Capacity Building Committee -Report
200606/09/06S3/1001CL59IHO Publication S-55 - Submission and Update of Data
200608/09/06S3/2750CL60Vandalism on Meterological and Oceanographic Data Buoys
200615/09/06S1/1001/WPFO/592/07CL61Proposed IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2007
200618/09/06S3/8162CL62IHO Data Protection Scheme S-63
200621/09/06SPWG-2CL63Report of the FCWG on the Salary Scheme for the Secretary-General and Directors under the new structure of the Organisation
200621/09/06S3/2620CL64Nippon Foundation - GEBCO TRaining Project - Year 3
200628/09/06S1/0906CL65Updating Yearbook entries in the IHO Publication P-5
200629/09/06S3/0302/ABLOSCL66IHO-IAG-IOC AB  on hydrographic, geodetic and Marine Geo-Scientific aspects of the law of the sea (ABLOS) - IHOMembership
200619/10/06S1/0900CL68Distribution of IHO Publications
200619/10/06S3/8151/CHRISCL69Progress report on the development of S-100 and S-101
200620/10/06S1/5000CL70Accreditation of NGIOs as observers to the IHO
200623/10/06S3/8152CL71ENC Production, Availability and Coverage
200623/10/06S3/4405CL72IHO Publication M-4 Regulations of the IHO for International (INT) Charts and Chart Specifications of the IHO. Version 3.003 -August 2006
200630/10/06S1/5006CL73Work of FIG Commission 4- Hydrography Year 2005-2006
200603/11/06S3/0302/ABLOSCL74IHO-IAG-IOC AB on Hydrographic, Geodetic and Marine Geo-scientific aspects of the Law of the Sea (ABLOS)
200603/11/06S3/1401/WGCL75IHO Technical Resolution A6.2 - Advance supply of Tidal Predictions.
200623/11/06P/0005CL76Prince Albert 1st Medal for Hydrography - 2007
200624/11/06S3/8151/CHRISCL77Submission to IMO regarding the Requirements for the Regular Maintenance of ECDIS Software
200627/11/06S3/3084CL788th Meeting of the CPRNW
200628/11/06S1/1811CL79IHO Page in Hydro International
200630/11/06S1/1001/WPFO/592/07CL80IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2007 (final version)
200630/11/06S3/2620CL81International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM)
200607/12/06S3/8151/CHRISCL82Improving ENC Consistency - Contact List
200612/12/06S3/3055CL8382nd Session of the IMO MSC
200613/12/06S3/3070CL84MoU between the IHO and IMSO
200618/12/06S3/8045CL85Cooperation Agreement between the IHO and DGIWG
200619/12/06S3/0130CL86Establishment of the South Western Atlantic Hydrographic Commission
200622/12/06S1/3008CL88Spatial Data Infrastructure Events
200622/12/06S1/0900CL89Cumulative List Of IHB Circular Letters Issued in 2006
200504/01/05S3/8151/CSPCWGCL01New and Revised Chart Specifications and New Symbol for Entry Prohibited
200505/01/05S3/0112, S3/0123CL02Tsunami in Asia
200506/01/05TA-6CL038th Hydrographic Course at the National Hydrographic School, Goa India (27th June 2005 - 28 January 2006)
200510/01/05S1/1809CL04Symposium on New Space Services for Maritime Users: The Impact of Satellite Technology on Maritime Legislation
200511/01/05S3/8151/CHRISCL05IHO Submission to IMO regarding ECDIS Performance Standards
200513/01/05S1/0100CL06Update concerning situation of Pending Member States
200514/01/05S3/2620CL07NIPPON Foundation - GEBCO Training Project Year 2
200514/01/05S3/2620CL08FIG/IHO/ICA Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers Membership
200519/01/05S3/8152CL09Current and Future Availability of ENCs.
200521/01/05S1/0607CL10Member States Flags at the IHB.
200521/01/05S3/0112-S3/0123CL11Tsunami in Asia
200521/01/05S3/4405CL12Revised section B-100 for Chart Specifications of the IHO (M-4)
200501/02/05S3/7198CL13Working Group on S-44 Standards for Hydrographic Surveys
200502/02/05S3/8151/CSPCWGCL14New Chart Specifications
200503/02/05S1/5517CL15US HYDRO'05
200503/02/05S3/2630CL16Composition of the Joint IHO-IOC Guiding Committee for GEBCO
200504/02/05CBC-1CL17Establishment of an IHO Capacity Building Fund
200515/02/05S3/0123CL18Special Session for discussion on Tsunami disaster in the Indian Ocean
200516/02/05S3/0302TA-6CL19"Securing your Nation's Rights to Continental Shelf Maritime Territory" 5th training Course on Article 76 of UNCLOS, 9-13 May2005
200517/02/05S3/1401/WGCL20IHO Tidal Committee - Revised Terms of Reference
200518/02/05S3/3075CL21Report on COMSAR 9 Meeting at IMO
200523/02/05S3/8151/CHRISCL2216th CHRIS Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 28-31 May 2004
200525/02/05TA-6-1CL23Multi-beam Course - Hosted by the Australian Hydrographic Service
200508/03/05S1/0900CL24Distribution of Circular Letters and Annual Report to IHO Member States
200509/03/05S3/0302/ABLOSCL254th ABLOS Biennial Conference
200510/03/05S3/8151/CHRISCL26S-57, Edition 4.0
200512/03/05AB-2CL27FIG/IHO/ICA Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers.
200514/03/05S3/8152CL28Evaluation of the use of ECDIS and ENC development
200516/03/05S3/8152CL29Marine e-Navigation
200521/03/05S1/1809CL30IHO Seminar 2005
200523/03/05S3/0123CL31Special Session on Tsunami disaster in the Indian Ocean
200524/03/05S3/4003CL32Legal Cases related to nautical charting
200524/03/05S3/0128CL33IHO Hydrographic Committee on Antarctica, 4th meeting, Kythnos, Greece 6-8 September 2004
200524/03/05S3/1401/WGCL34IHO Technical Resolutions A 2.5 and G 2.1
200524/03/05S1/3083CL35New IHO Member State: Republic of Latvia
200504/04/05S3/8152CL36ENC Production Guidance - IHO Publication S-65, Edition 1.0
200505/04/05S3/4244CL37Guidance for the Preparation and Maintenance of International Chart Schemes.
200508/04/05S3/3055CL38IHO Submission to the 51st Session of the IMO Safety of Navigation Sub-Committee.
200518/04/05S3/8152CL39Revision of the WEND Principles.
200522/04/05S3/4405CL40Revised section B-200 for Chart Specifications of the IHO (M-4).
200525/04/05S3/4405CL41IHO Publication M-4 Regulations of the IHO for International (INT) Charts and Chart Specifications of the IHO.
200525/04/05S1/6000/X-3S1/0015CL423rd EIHC Conference Decisions. Approved Protocol of Amendments to the IHO Convention.
200526/04/05S3/0123CL43Special Session on the Tsunami Disaster in the Indian Ocean.
200527/04/05SPWG-2CL44SPWG Work
200528/04/05S3/2543CL45Worldwide Seafloor Swath-Mapping Systems
200529/04/05S1/1001/04S1/0900CL46P-7 Annual Report of the IHO for 2004. Part 1 - General. Part 2 Finances. IHO Work Programme for 2005 updated.
200510/05/05S3/1000CL47Publication of the IHO Manual on Hydrography (M-13)
200510/05/05S1/0900CL48Distribution of IHO Publications on CD-ROM 2005
200511/05/05S3/8152CL499th WEND Meeting, 7-8 April 2005 IHB, Monaco
200513/05/05S1/5009CL50ICC 2005 - 22nd International Cartographic Conference (La Coruna, Spain 9-16 July 2005)
200517/05/05S3/8158CL51Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE)
200523/05/05S3/8162CL52Digital Signature Service Operational
200524/05/05S3/6003CL53Amendment to the IHO Resolutions - Resolution T 1.2.4
200525/05/05S3/3055CL5480th Session of the Maritime Safety Committee IMO, London (11-20 May)
200527/05/05S1/6000/X-3S1/0015CL55Resolution of the 3rd EIHC - Protocol of Amendments to the IHO Convention - Consolidated Version of the IHO Convention.
200530/05/05S3/2643CL56GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) - Membership
200530/05/05S3/4405CL57Revised Section B-100 for Chart Specifications of the IHO (M-4)
200531/05/05S1/6000/X-3S1/0015CL58Corrections to Protocol of Amendments to the IHO Convention and Consolidated version of the IHO Convention.
200531/05/05S3/0123CL59Tsunami Disaster in the Indian Ocean
200508/06/05S1/0900CL60Distribution of IHO Publications on CD-ROM - 2005 (Revision 1)
200508/06/05S3/8151/CHRISCL61Charting of Port Security Limits
200509/06/05S3/7355CL62IHO Publication S-62 "ENC Producer Codes", Edition 2.1, June 2005
200513/06/05S3/0302CL63International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)
200521/06/05S3/3055CL6451st Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation
200523/06/05SPWG-2CL65Strategic Planning Working Group
200528/06/05S3/7200CL66Former Publication S-46 Correction of Echo Soundings and the IHO Technical Resolution (TR) B1.2
200529/06/05S3/3055CL67IMO Ships routeing measures - provision of hydrographic information
200530/06/05S1/5051CL68Joint Board of geo-spatial information societies (JB-GIS) Annual Meeting, Cairo-Egypt April 19th,2005
200504/07/05S1/5009CL69ICC 2005 - 22nd International Cartographic Conference (La Coruña, Spain, 9-16 July 2005)
200505/07/05S3/8152CL70ENC Production Guidance, IHO Publication S-65, Edition 1.0, Spanish version
200508/07/05S1/0015CL71Modifications to IHO Convention
200518/07/05S1/1001/WPCL72Proposed IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2006
200526/07/05S1/1809CL73IHO Seminar 2005
200527/07/05CBC-1CL74Third Meeting of the IHO Capacity Building Committee Report
200529/07/05S3/4405CL75New symbol and specification for Automatic Identification System (AIS-equipped) Aids to navigation
200504/08/05S1/1900/ACL76World Hydrography Day (WHD)
200504/08/05SPWG-2CL77Strategic Planning Working Group work
200516/08/05S1/3081CL78New IHO Member State - Republic of Mauritius
200518/08/05S3/3055CL79IMO Correspondence Group on Evaluation of the use of ECDIS and ENC Development
200522/08/05SPWG-2CL80Strategic Planning Working Group Work. Legal Experts Group Meeting
200525/08/05S3/3055CL81IMO Ships’ Routeing Measures – Provision of Hydrographic Information
200526/08/05S3/0302/ABLOSCL824th ABLOS biennial Conference
200526/08/05S1/6000/X-3-S1/0015CL83Corrections to the consolidated version of the IHO Convention
200529/08/05S3/3055CL84IMO Ships’ Routeing Measures – Provision of Hydrographic Information
200531/08/05S3/8152CL85Revision of the WEND Principles
200531/08/05S3/4405/INT1CL86IHO Publication INT1 : Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on Charts
200531/08/05S1/5009CL87ICC 2005 - 22nd International Cartographic Conference
200531/08/05S1/5014CL88Facts About Charts and Carriage requirements
200506/09/05S3/0123CL89Tsunami Disaster in the Indian Ocean
200506/09/05S1/3077CL90Kingdom of Morocco - Contact information
200509/09/05SPWG-2CL91Strategic Planning Working Group Work. Legal Experts Group Meeting
200516/09/05S3/3070CL92Memorandum of Understanding between IHO and IMSO
200523/09/05S3/8151/CHRISCL93Change of name : S-57 Edition 4.0 to become S-100
200526/09/05S3/8151/CHRISCL94Development of S-57 Edition 3.1.1 to accommodate new IMO requirements for certain charted features
200526/09/05S3/8151/CHRISCL95Final NOAA ENC Distribution Rule
200527/09/05S3/4405CL96Revised section B-200 for Chart Specifications of the IHO (M-4)
200527/09/05S1/1001/WPFO/592/06CL97Proposed IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2006
200528/09/05S1/0906CL98Updating entries in the International Hydrographic Organization Yearbook (P-5)
200528/09/05S1/6000/X-3CL99P-6 : Report of Proceedings of the 3rd Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference, Monaco 11-14 April 2005
200528/09/05S1/1809CL100IHO Seminar 2005
200528/09/05S3/3084CL101Commission on Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings (CPRNW) - Terms of Reference
200510/10/05S3/8151/CHRISS1/5058CL102Memorandum of Understanding between ISO and IHO
200518/10/05S1/5006CL103Work of FIG Commission 4 - Hydrography Year 2004 - 2005
200520/10/05S1/5014CL104Facts About Charts and Carriage requirements
200521/10/05S1/5517CL105Memorandum of Understanding between  IHO and IFHS
200521/10/05S3/7200CL106Former publication S-46 - Correction of Echo-Soundings and IHO Technical Resolution (TR) B1.2
200525/10/05SPWG-2CL1077th Meeting of the IHO Strategic Planning Working Group
200526/10/05S3/8151/CHRISCL108Committee on Hydrographic Requirements for Information Systems (CHRIS) - Terms of reference
200503/11/05S3/3057CL109Reporting and publication of Dangers to Navigation
200503/11/05S1/1201CL110Centenary Celebrations of the Arctic Expedition of HSH Prince Albert Ist  of Monaco
200503/11/05S3/3055CL111On-line Chart Catalogue
200511/11/05S3/3084CL112Commission on Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings (CPRNW) - Terms of Reference
200514/11/05S3/3055CL113Voluntary IMO Member State Audit Scheme
200515/11/05S3/7050CL114IHO Committee on the Hydrographic Dictionary (CHD) Membership
200515/11/05S3/3084CL1157th Meeting of the Commission on Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings (CPRNW)
200517/11/05S3/3070CL116Memorandum of Understanding between IHO and IMSO
200521/11/05S3/8152CL117Implementation of Quality Management Practices
200521/11/05S1/0015CL118Correction to the Protocol of Amendments to the Convention on the International Hydrographic Organization
200530/11/05S1/1809CL119IHO Seminar 2005
200501/12/05S1/1001/WPS1/0906CL120IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2006 (final version) & IHO Year Book - 2006
200506/12/05S3/4405CL121IHO Publication M-4  - Regulations of the IHO for International (INT) Charts and Chart Specifications of the IHO
200512/12/05S1/5014CL122Facts About Charts and Carriage Requirements
200512/12/05S3/0123CL123Standardized Structure for National Reports to RHC's
200513/12/05S3/0302/ABLOSCL124ABLOS Biennial Conference 2005 - "Marine Scientific Research and the Law of the Sea: the Balance between Coastal State andInternational Rights
200513/12/05S3/3055CL12524th Session of International Maritime Organization (IMO) Assembly
200514/12/05SPWG-2CL126Work of the Strategic Planning Working Group
200514/12/05S1/5517CL127Memorandum of Understanding between IHO and IFHS
200519/12/05S3/8152CL128Release of official Malacca and Singapore Straits Electronic Navigational Charts (MSS ENC).
200523/12/05S1/0900CL129Cumulative List of IHB Circular Letters issued in 2005 (including CCLs, FCCLs)
200407/01/04S3/0302/ABLOSCL01ABLOS Biennial Conference 2003- Addressing Difficult Issues in UNCLOS.
200408/01/04S1/5009CL02Memorandum of Understanding between the IHO and ICA.
200409/01/04S1/0100CL03Update of Situation concerning Pending Member States.
200419/01/04S3/1001CL04IHO Special Publication N°55 (S-55) Status of Hydrographic Surveying and Nautical Charting World-Wide Questionnaire.
200422/01/04TA-6CL05Free Hydrographic Course (7th) at the National Hydrographic School, Goa, India (28 June 2004-29 January 2005).
200423/01/04SPWG-2CL06SPWG Interim Report.
200430/01/04S3/2705AB-3CL07Sea Level Training Course - Sea Level Changes: Observation, Interpretation, Application.
200402/02/04S1/1001/WPCL08Request from International Non-Governmental Organizations for Observer Status at the IHO.
200404/02/04TA-6CL09Course on "Harbour and Coastal Hydrography" at the IMA, Trieste, Italy from 16 June to 19 November.
200406/02/04S3/2620CL10Nippon Foundation - GEBCO Training Project.
200411/02/04S1/1900/ACL11Establishment of a "World Hydrography Day".
200411/02/04S3/5100/WGCL12M-12: Standardization of List of Lights.
200412/02/04S3/7050CL13S-32: Hydrographic Dictionary - Web Based Version - (DHYDRO Project).
200413/02/04CBC-1CL14IHO Capacity Building Committee (IHOCBC) Progress Report and Agenda for 2nd Meeting.
200413/02/04S3/6003CL15Proposed insertion of New Section 5 in Chapter R. - Financial Administration of the IHO Administrative Resolutions.
200418/02/04S3/8152CL16IHO Catalogue of World ENC Coverage.
200423/02/04SPWG-2CL17SPWG Seminar in Athens, Greece.
200412/03/04S3/1000CL18Report on Second Meeting of the IHO Manual on Hydrography Working Group.
200416/03/04S1/3027CL19Multi-beam Course- Hosted by the Norwegian Hydrographic Office.
200419/03/04S3/4010CL20List of Booklets on Chart Symbols and Abbreviations published by various Maritime Countries. IHO Publication M-15 (Feb2004).
200422/03/04S3/8152CL21Use of the RCDS mode of ECDIS.
200431/03/04S1/5014S3/3075CL22IMO Publications: International SafetyNET Manuel and Navtex Manual.
200401/04/04S1/5014CL23IMO Resolution A.958(23) on the Provision of Hydrographic Services.
200415/04/04SPWG-2CL24Strategic Planning Working Group (SPWG) Seminars.
200421/04/04S3/8151/CHRISCL25IHO Colour & Symbol Specifications for ECDIS S-52 Appendix 2 - Edition 4.2, March 2004.
200422/04/04S3/2705AB-3CL26Sea Level Training Course - Sea Level Changes: Observation, Interpretation, Application.
200423/04/04S3/2620CL27IHO/IOC GEBCO Information.
200423/04/04S1/1811CL28International Hydrographic Review.
200423/04/04S1/3008CL29Geomatica 2004 - "Geospatial Technology: Trends and Opportunities". Havana, Cuba, 10-14 May.
200428/04/04S1/1001/03S1/0900CL30P-7 Annual Report of the IHO for 2003 - Part 1: General & Part 2: Finance.
200419/05/04S3/2630CL31Composition of the Joint IHO-IOC Guiding Committee for GEBCO.
200403/06/04S3/7220CL32"Training Courses in Hydrography and Nautical Cartography". IHO Publication S-47.
200408/06/04S3/0304CL33Training Workshops on International Boundaries.
200409/06/04S3/8152CL34Replies to CL21/2004 - Use of the RCDS Mode of ECDIS.
200418/06/04S3/1001CL35IHO Special Publication N°55 (S-55) Status of Hydrographic Surveying and Nautical Charting Worldwide- Publication of 3rdEdition.
200418/06/04S1/4602CL36Application by the Republic of Cameroon for IHO Membership.
200421/06/04S3/7198CL37Working Group on S-44. Standards for Hydrographic Surveys.
200421/06/04S3/2750CL38Vandalism on Meteorological and Oceanographic Data Buoys.
200425/06/04S3/5100/WGCL39M12 Standardization of List of Lights and Fog Signals.
200425/06/04S3/6003CL40Approval of Insertion of New Section 5 in Chapter 4 - Financial Administration of the IHO Administrative Resolutions.
200428/06/04S3/8152CL41Replies to CL21/2004 - Use of the RCDS Mode of ECDIS.
200429/06/04S3/8152CL428th WEND Meeting 5-6 March 2004, Tokyo, Japan.
200430/06/04S1/0410/ACL43Amendments to the IHO Publication M-7 IHB Staff Regulations.
200401/07/04S3/8152CL44Replies to CL21/2004 - Use of the RCDS Mode of ECDIS.
200402/07/04S3/8162CL45IHO Data Protection Scheme. Publication S-63. Edition 1.0 (French and Spanish Versions).
200402/07/04S3/4405CL46New and Revised Paper Chart Specifications.
200405/07/04S3/8151/CHRISCL47Improving ENC Consistency.
200412/07/04S3/0128CL48Arctic Areas. Use of Multibeam Systems in Antarctic Waters.
200412/07/04S3/4405CL49New Paper Chart Specification.
200413/07/04S3/8152CL50Evaluation of the use of ECDIS and ENC Development.
200413/07/04S3/3055/ACL51Hydrography and Nautical Cartography in Remote Areas.
200423/07/04TA-004-9CL52Memorandum of Understanding between the IHO and the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission.
200429/07/04S1/0900CL53Distribution of IHO Publications on CD-ROM - 2004.
200402/08/04S3/2620CL54Nippon Foundation - GEBCO Training Project.
200404/08/04S1/1001/WPFO/595/05CL55Proposed IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2005.
200406/08/04S1/3000CL56Communication between IHO Member States and the IHB.
200401/10/04S3/8162CL57Industry Implementation of the IHO Data Protection Scheme.
200401/10/04S1/0906CL58Updating Entries in the IHO Yearbook (P-5)
200401/10/04S3/4405CL59New and Revised Paper Chart Specifications
200401/10/04S3/0304CL60Training Workshops on International Boundaries
200401/10/04S1/1001/WPCL61Proposed IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2005
200404/10/04S1/0900 (P2)CL62IHO Publication M-2 National Maritime Policies and Hydrographic Services
200404/10/04S1/0900CL63Distribution of Circular Letters and Annual Report to IHO Member States
200405/10/04S3/5100/WGCL64M-12 Standardization of List of Lights and Fog Signals
200405/10/04S3/2620CL65United Nations Nippon Foundation - Law of the Sea Training Project
200407/10/04S3/8162CL66Signing of a Letter of Intent between the Norwegian Hydrographic Service, the UKHO and the IHB
200411/10/04S3/7198CL67Working Group on S-44 Standards for Hydrographic Surveys
200412/10/04S3/8152CL68Availability of ENCs and RNCs
200415/10/04S3/8151/CHRISCL69IHO Submission to IMO regarding ECDIS Performance Standards
200426/10/04S3/7198CL70Working Group on S-44 - Standards for Hydrographic Surveys
200402/11/04S3/8152CL71WEND ISSUES
200404/11/04S3/2620CL73Proposal for a new IHO/IOC Ocean Mapping Programme Structure
200409/11/04S3/4405CL74Obsolete and Obsolescent Entries in INT1 and M-4
200410/11/04S3/4244CL75Guidance for the Preparation and Maintenance of International Chart Schemes
200418/11/04S1/5009CL76ICC 2005 - 22nd International Cartographic Conference (La Coruña, Spain). Presentation of Papers by HOs' Representatives.Nautical Chart display by IHO Member States
200423/11/04S1/5007CL77IALA - Aid to Navigation Information Service for the 21st Century (ANIS 21)
200426/11/04S3/2630CL78Composition of the Joint IHO-IOC Guiding Committee for GEBCO
200429/11/04S3/1401/WGCL79IHO Tidal Committee - Terms of Reference
200430/11/04S3/1401/WGCL80IHO Technical Resolutions A2.5 and G2.1
200401/12/04S1/1001/WPCL81IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2005- Final Version - IHO Yearbook 2005
200406/12/04S1/4905CL82Application by Ireland for IHO Membership
200407/12/04S3/8151/CHRISCL83S-57 Edition 4.0
200407/12/04S3/8162CL84Industry implementation of the IHO Data Protection Scheme S-63
200409/12/04S3/7355CL85IHO Publication S-62 "ENC Producer Codes" Edition 2.0 December 2004
200413/12/04S3/1001CL86IHO Special Publications S-55 - Status of Hydrographic Surveying and Nautical Charting Worldwide submission and update ofdata.
200415/12/04CBC-1CL87Establishment of an IHO Capacity Building Fund
200415/12/04CBC-1CL88Second Meeting of the IHO Capacity Building Committee
200416/12/04TA-6CL895th Course on "Nautical Cartography" at IMA, Italy (13 April - 7 December 2005)
200416/12/04S3/2643CL90GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) XVII Meeting, St. Petersburg, Russian Fed. 8-11 June 2004
200423/12/04S3/8152CL91ENC Production Guidance, IHO Publication S-65 Edition 1.0
200423/12/04S1/0900CL92Cumulative List of IHB Circular Letters issued in 2004
200306/01/03S1/6102/XVICL01P-6: Report of Proceedings of the XVIth International Hydrographic Conference (Vol 1&2).
200308/01/03S3/7355CL02IHO Publication S-62 IHO Codes for Agencies Producing S-57 Data" Edition 1.1.
200309/01/03S3/8152CL03WEND Principles: Guidelines for the Establishment of ENC Production Boundaries  Corrigendum to IHB CL 58/2002, dated 30November 2002.
200310/01/03S1/0415CL04Formation of a Working Group of the Finance Committee to study matters related to  the Alignment of IHB Salaries with the U.NSystem.
200310/01/03S1/0502CL05Appointment of Professional Assistant (Hydrography and Information Technology).
200314/01/03S3/0302/ABLOSCL06IHO - IAG - IOC Advisory Board on Hydrographic, Geodetic and Marine Geo-Scientific Aspects of the Law of the Sea(ABLOS)
200328/01/03TA-1CL07Disbanding of the FIG-IHO Technical Assistance and Co-operation Coordination Committee (TACC) and the Establishment ofthe IHO Capacity Building Committee (IHOCBC).
200329/01/03S3/0302/ABLOSCL08International ABLOS Conference: Addressing Difficult Issues in UNCLOS.
200329/01/03TA-5/UNCL09Participation of the IHO in the 4th Meeting of UNICPOLOS.
200330/01/03AB-4CL10IHO Publication M-8 Standards of Competence for Nautical Cartographers.
200331/01/03SPWG-1S3/8152CL113rd SPWG and 7th WEND Meeting, Lima Peru, May 2003
200331/01/03S3/0117CL12Re-Surveying of Major Shipping Routes and Ports of the Baltic Sea.
200310/02/03S3/3084CL13CPRNW 6th Meeting 13-15 May 2003 and Minutes of COMSAR 7
200310/02/03S1/0100CL14Update concerning situation of Pending Member States.
200314/02/03S3/0304CL15Updated List of National Experts on the Law of the Sea
200319/02/03S3/0117CL16Correction to CL12/2003.
200324/02/03AB-2CL17Resignation of two IHO Members of FIG/IHO/ICA International Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for HydrographicSurveyors and Nautical Cartographers.
200327/02/03S1/1005/ACL18New IHO web site.
200327/02/03SPWG-2CL19Report of the Second Strategic Planning Working Group (SPWG) Meeting. Goa, India, 20-22 January 2003.
200328/02/03TA-6CL20Free Hydrographic Course at the National Hydrographic School, Goa, India, 3 November 2003 - 5 June 2004.
200303/03/03S3/2540CL21GEBCO Centenary Celebrations. Monaco 14-16 April 2003
200310/03/03SPWG-2CL224th SPWG Meeting 9-11 October 2003
200311/03/03S3/1001CL23IHO Special Publication N°55 (S-55) Status of Hydrographic Surveying and Nautical charting World-Wide
200313/03/03S3/2630CL24Composition of the Joint IHO-IOC Guiding Committee for GEBCO
200319/03/03S3/7050CL25IHO Committee on the Hydrographic Dictionary (S-32) Membership
200319/03/03S1/5009CL26ICC 2003 - 21st International Cartographic Conference (Durban, RSA 10-16 August 2003)
200307/04/03S3/0302/ABLOSCL27IHO-IAG-IOC Advisory Board on Hydrographic, Geodetic and Marine Geo-Scientific Aspects of the Law of the Sea (ABLOS)
200308/04/03S3/2643CL28GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) XVth Meeting, IHB Monaco 7-10 October 2002 Summary Report
200308/04/03S1/1001/02S1/0900CL29P-7 Annual Report of the IHO for 2002 - Part 1, General. - IHO Work Programme for 2003
200310/04/03TA-1CL30Establishment of the IHO Capacity Building Committee (IHOCBC)
200311/04/03S3/8161CL31Industry/Stakeholders Workshop, IHB Monaco 16-17 June 2003
200311/04/03S1/3077CL32Acquisition of Hydrographic/Oceanographic Survey and Research Vessel.
200325/04/03S1/1811CL33International Hydrographic Review
200312/05/03S3/2540S3/2513S3/2630CL34GEBCO Matters
200314/05/03AB-2CL35FIG/IHO/ICA International Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers
200322/05/03S3/3076CL36Management of the International NAVTEX Service
200327/05/03S3/2543CL37World List of Multi-beam Systems
200302/06/03S1/0900CL38Distribution of IHO Publications on CD-ROM
200320/06/03TA-001CL39First Meeting of the IHO Capacity Building Committee (IHOCBC)
200320/06/03S3/8151/CHRISCL40S-57 Edition 3.0- ENC Product Specification. Termination of Validity
200324/06/03S3/1001CL41IHO Special Publication N° 55 (S-55). Status of Hydrographic Surveying and Nautical Charting World-Wide Questionnaire
200324/06/03S3/8151/CHRISCL42S-57. Edition 4.0
200327/06/03S3/8152CL43WEND Issues: IHO World ENC
200327/06/03S3/8152CL44WEND Principles. Proposed Additional Rules. Guidelines for the Establishment of ENC Production Boundaries.
200330/06/03S3/0302/ABLOSCL45International ABLOS Conference: Addressing Difficult Issues in UNCLOS. IHB, Monaco  28-30 October 2003
200330/06/03S1/0410CL46M-7 IHB Staff Regulations - 6th Edition June 2003
200330/06/03S3/8152CL47Assistance in ENC Production
200330/06/03S1/5009CL48ICC 2003 - 21st International Cartographic Conference (Durban, RSA 10-16 August 2003) Nautical Chart Display by IHOMember States.
200310/07/03S1/1005/ACL49New IHO Website
200310/07/03S1/1811CL50International Hydrographic Review
200318/07/03S3/1401/WGCL51IHO Tidal Committee
200321/07/03S3/1000CL52Report on Status of IHO Manual on Hydrography
200325/07/03S3/1104CL53S-60 User's Handbook on Datum Transformations involving WGS 84 3rd Edition July 2003
200331/07/03S1/1001/WPCL54Proposed IHO Work Programme & Budget for 2004
200304/08/03S3/1401/WGCL55IHO Tidal Committee Feedback on Transition to LAT/HAT
200306/08/03S3/1401/WGCL56IHO Tidal Committee - List of Harmonic Constituents
200320/08/03S1/5006AB-1CL57Memorandum of Understanding between the IHO and FIG
200304/09/03S3/8151/CHRISCL5815th CHRIS Meeting - IHB 10-13 June 2003
200312/09/03TA-6CL59"Securing your Nation's Rights to Continental Shelf Maritime Territory". 4th Training Course on Article 76 of UNCLOS 10-14May 2004
200312/09/03S3/3100CL60The World VTS Guide
200318/09/03S1/0179CL61New IHO Member State - Union of Myanmar
200324/09/03S1/0906CL62Updating entries in the IHO Yearbook (P-5)
200323/10/03S3/8151/MEHCL63Marine Electronic Highway
200331/10/03S1/1001/WPCL64IHO Work Program & Budget for 2004 (final version)
200306/11/03S3/8162CL65IHO Data Protection Scheme. Publication S-63 Edition 1.0
200307/11/03S3/2643CL66SCUFN - Summary Report (XVIth Meeting, IHB, Monaco, 10-12 April 2003)
200307/11/03S1/3018CL67Hydro Ind 2004
200310/11/03S3/8152S3/8151/CHRISCL68ENC Charting Issues
200312/11/03S1/5009CL69ICC 2003 - International Cartographic Conference, Durban RSA, 10-16 August 2003. Nautical Chart Display by IHO MemberStates - IHO ICA MoU - Joint Board of Geospatial Information Societies
200313/11/03CBC-1CL70Report of the First Meeting of the IHO Capacity Building Committee (IHOCBC)
200320/11/03S3/1401/WGCL71IHO Tidal Committee
200328/11/03S3/2540CL72GEBCO Centenary Conference Presentations (Monaco 14-16 April 2003)
200301/12/03S1/5006-AB-1CL73MoU between IHO and FIG
200302/12/03S1/3008CL74Geomatica 2004 "Geospatial Technology: Trends and Opportunities" Havana, Cuba 10-14 May 2004
200310/12/03S1/4405CL75IHO Publication M-4. Regulations of the IHO for International (INT) Charts and Chart Specifications of the IHO
200311/12/03S3/0128CL76IHO Hydrographic Committee on Antarctica. 3rd Meeting IHB. 8-10 September 2003
200312/12/03S3/3100CL77The World VTS Guide (See CL78/2003)
200319/12/03S3/3100CL78The World VTS Guide (This CL replaces CL77/2003)
200323/12/03S3/8151/IECCL79New IHO Publication S-64 "ECDIS TEST DATA SETS". Edition 1.0 December 2003
200323/12/03S3/8152CL80WEND Issues. Minutes of the 7th WEND Meeting, May 2003, Lima Peru. New WEND Principal. RHC Corresponding Membersto the WEND Task Group
200323/12/03S1/0900CL81Cumulative List of IHB Circular Letters issued in 2003 (Including FCCLs)
200221/01/02S1/3056CL01Membership Status of Papua New Guinea
200225/01/02S1/0901CL02Catalogue of IHO Publications 2002-2003 (P-4)
200231/01/02S1/1450CL03Continuation of the Post of Professional Assistant (Data Management) at the I.H. Bureau
200204/02/02TA-5/UNCL04Observer Status for the IHO in the UN General Assembly
200218/02/02S3/2643CL05GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea  Feature Names (SCUFN)
200219/02/02TA-006CL06Course on "Harbour and Coastal Hydrography" at the International Maritime Academy (IMA), Trieste, Italy
200220/02/02P-1CL07Updated Versions of IHO Publications: M-3: IHO Resolutions (English, French and Spanish versions) (Updated 2002), P-5: IHO Yearbook 2002, Red Book of Proposals to the XVIth I.H. Conference (English), S-47: Courses in Hydrography and Nautical Cartography (5th edition, updated 2002), M-1: IHO Basic Documents (English, French and Spanish versions) (updated 2002)
200220/02/02S3/8152/ACL08PRIMAR Press Release
200205/03/02S3/1105CL09Global Vertical Reference Frame
200214/03/02S1/1811CL10International Hydrographic Review
200215/03/02S3/8151/CHRISCL11SENC Delivery Option
200226/03/02S1/0900CL12Distribution of IHO Publications on CD-ROM
200211/04/02S3/8161CL13Marin Industry Workshop, IHB Monaco 27-29 June 2002
200212/04/02S1/0180CL14New IHO Member State Mexico
200215/04/02TA-6CL15Free Hydrographic Course at the National Hydrographic School, Goa, India
200216/04/02S1/0178CL16New IHO Member State Republic of Slovenia
200224/04/02S1/1100CL17Tasks and Modus Operandi of the SPWG
200229/04/02S1/4907CL18Application by the Republic of Romania for IHO Membership
200231/05/02S3/8151/CHRISCL19Minutes of the13th CHRIS Meeting, Athens, Greece, 15-17 September 2001
200231/05/02S3/8161CL20Marine Industry Workshop 26-28 June 2002
200204/06/02S1/0700CL21Chairmanship and Vice-Chairmanship of the IHO Legal Advisory Committee (LAC).
200205/06/02S1/0410/ACL22Approval of proposed modifications to the IHB Staff Regulations 5th Edition July 1998 (M-7)
200217/06/02S1/3016CL23Membership of Guatemala.
200212/07/02S1/0502CL24Post of Professional Assistant in Hydrography and Information Technology at the IHB
200222/07/02S3/3084CL25Chairmanship of the IHO Commission on the Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings
200223/07/02S1/5014CL26The International Maritime Prize 2001 awarded to the late Dr Giuliano Pattofatto
200208/08/02S3/7198CL27Guidelines for the processing of High Volume Bathymetric Data
200208/08/02S1/0900CL28Liability in Delict of the State Hydrographer IHO SP M-14
200209/08/02S1/4911CL29Application by the Republic of Latvia for IHO Membership
200209/08/02S3/7020CL30IHO Special Publication S-23 - Names and Limits of Oceans and Seas (4th Edition Final draft)
200220/08/02S1/6005/XVIS1/5009CL31IHO Cartographic Exhibitions
200201/09/02S1/0050CL32Directors' Responsibilities
200203/09/02S3/2540CL33GEBCO Centenary Celebrations
200204/09/02AB-2CL34Resignation of IHO Member of FIG/IHO/ICA Internatioanl Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for HydrographicSurveyors and Nautical Cartographers and Nomination of a New Member
200204/09/02P-1CL35Updated Versions of IHO Publications: M3 IHO Resolutions and M1: IHO Basic Documents
200206/09/02S1/1811CL36International Hydrographic Review
200216/09/02S1/0176CL37New IHO Member State - State of Kuwait
200219/09/02S3/7020CL38Withdrawal of CL30/2002 dated 9 August 2002 - IHO Special Publication S-23 Names and Limits of Oceans and Seas.
200224/09/02S1/6000/X3CL39Proposed dates for the 3rd Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference
200226/09/02AB-5CL40International Training
200226/09/02S1/1100CL41IHO Work Programme 2003-2007
200227/09/02AB-4CL42New IHO Publication M8 Standards of Competence for Nautical Cartographers
200227/09/02S1/4812CL43Application by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for IHO Membership
200201/10/02S3/8151/CHRISCL44IHO Recommended Security Scheme for ENC
200208/10/02S1/1001/01CL45P-7 Annual Report of the IHO 2001
200221/10/02S3/7050CL46Chairmanship of the IHO Committee on the Hydrographic Dictionary (S-23)
200222/10/02S3/3084CL47Chairmanship of the IHO Commission on the Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings
200225/10/02S1/1100CL48SPWG Meeting, Goa, India 20-22 January 2003
200225/10/02S1/6000/X3CL49Dates for the 3rd Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference
200228/10/02TA-6CL50Fourth Course on 'Nautical Cartography" at the IMA, Trieste, Italy
200231/10/02S3/8151/CHRISS3/4400CL51CHRIS Chart Standardization and Paper Chart Working Group (CSPCWG)
200213/11/02S1/1100CL52Worldwide ENC Database (WEND) Office Bearers
200218/11/02S3/2630CL53Composition of the Joint IHO-IOC Guiding Committee for GEBCO
200218/11/02S3/8151/CHRISCL5414th CHRIS Meeting, Shanghai, China 15-17 August 2002
200220/11/02S3/7050CL55Revised Edition of the Term "Hydrography"
200220/11/02S1/5193CL56Statement by the IHO to the World Summit on Sustainable Development,  Johannesburg, 28 August 2002
200225/11/02S3/8152CL57Worldwide ENC Database (WEND), Chairmanship and Vice-Chairmanship
200226/11/02S3/8152CL58WEND Principles, Proposed Additional Rules
200228/11/02S3/8151/CHRISS1/0700CL59Liability for IHO Standards
200204/12/02S3/8151/TSMADCL60S-57 – Future Developments and Current Status
200206/12/02AB-2CL61FIG/IHO/ICA International Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and NauticalCartographers: New Member of the Advisory Board
200212/12/02S3/3057CL62National Maritime Policies under Regulations V/19 and V/27 of the SOLAS Convention.
200217/12/02S3/0304CL63National Experts on the Law of the Sea.
200219/12/02S3/7350-S3/7355CL64New IHO Publications: S-58, S-62.
200220/12/02S3/3057-S3/3055/ACL65Updating of IMO Assembly Resolution A.532(13)
200220/12/02S3/8162CL66IHO Recommended Security Scheme for ENC
200220/12/02S3/8152CL67ENC Coverage
200220/12/02S1/0900CL68CL68 Cumulative List of IHB Circular Letters issued in 2002
200111/01/01S3/7198CL01Guidelines for the Processing of High Volume Bathymetric Data.
200112/01/01S3/1104CL02IHO Special Publication N°60 (S-60) User's Handbook on Datum Transformations involving WGS 84.
200118/01/01S1/0400S1/0404CL03Resignation of an IHB Director and Redistribution of Tasks.
200119/01/01TA-006CL04Course on " Harbour and Coastal Hydrography" at the International Maritime Academy, (IMA), Trieste, Italy.
200126/01/01S3/3057CL05Final Adoption to the Amendments to SOLAS Chapter V by MSC 73.
200130/01/01S3/1401/WGCL06Amendment of Resolution A 6.9.  Release of Tidal Data to Commercial Organisations.
200109/02/01S3/7050CL07Hydrographic Dictionary,  IHO Publication S-32 . DHYDRO Project.
200109/02/01S3/1000CL08IHO Manual on Hydrography.
200113/02/01S3/6003CL09Member States Approve Modification to IHO Resolution T 1.1.
200115/02/01S3/1208CL10IHO Multi-Beam User Group.
200116/02/01S1/5009CL11ICC 2001 - 20th International Cartographic Conference.
200119/02/01S1/0031CL12Member States Approve Amendment to the IHO General Regulations.
200103/04/01S3/8151/CHRIS(S3/8161)CL13 Rev1IHO/Industry/User Interface Workshop. IHB, Monaco, 28-29 June 2001.
200101/03/01S3/0302/EBCL14Continental Shelf Limits - The Scientific and Legal Interface (edited by P.J Cook and C.M Carleton) / The Relevance of Non-Legal Technical and Scientific Concepts in the Interpretation and Application of the Law of the Sea. (N.R Guy)
200115/03/01S3/8151/CHRISCL15Minutes to the 12th CHRIS Meeting. Valparaiso, Chile, 23-25 October 2000.
200112/03/01S1/0410CL16Amendment to IHB Staff Regulations- 5th Edition 1998. Re-introduction of category "C" Salary Scale.
200112/03/01TA-6CL17Free Hydrographic Course at the National Hydrographic School, Goa, India.
200130/03/01S3/4405CL18Chart Specifications of the IHO Small - Scale International (INT) Charts.
200102/04/01S1/1100CL19IHO Work Programme 2001 - 2005.
200118/04/01S3/0302/ABLOSCL20International ABLOS Conference: Accuracies and Uncertainties in Maritime Boundaries and Outer limits. IHB, Monaco, 18-19October 2001.
200119/04/01TA-5/UNCL21Participation of the IHO in the Second Meeting of the United Nations Open Ended Consultative Process Oceans and Law of theSea (UNICPOLOS). 7-11 May 2001
200126/04/01S3/1401/WGCL22Amendment of Resolution A.6.9.  Release of Tidal Data to Commercial Organisations.
200103/05/01S1/0906CL23IHO Yearbook 2001, Website version - Correction sheet to IHO Yearbook 2000 for printed version.
200118/05/01P/0005CL24Winner of the Commodore Cooper Medal and selection for Prince Albert 1st Medal (2000).
200129/05/01P-1CL25New IHO Publications: M-2 National Maritime Policies and Hydrographic Services, 1st and 2nd Parts. M-6 List of Reference Texts for Training in Hydrography.
200131/05/01S1/5015CL26One year secondment of Dr. Dimitri Travin (IOC) to the IHB.
200101/06/01S1/1001/00CL27P-7: Annual Report of the IHO for 2000. Part 1 - General.
200111/06/01S3/8161CL28Marine Industry Workshop. IHB, Monaco,  28-29 June 2001
200119/06/01P/0005CL29Prince Albert 1st Medal for Hydrography - 2002
200125/06/01S1/5009CL30ICC 2001 - 20th International Cartographic Conference. (Beijing,  China, 6-10 August 2001).
200129/06/01S3/8152CL31Study of the Availability and Compatibility of ENCs to satisfy the worldwide requirements of shipping.
200111/07/01S3/1000CL32First Meeting of the Working Group on the IHO Manual on Hydrography. Monaco, 20-22 June 200.
200112/07/01S1/3077CL33New IHO Member State - Bangladesh.
200116/07/01TA-5/UNCL34Granting Observer Status to the IHO at the United Nations General Assembly.
200117/07/01S3/0302/ABLOSCL35IHO/IAG/IOC/ABLOS Conference. IHB,  Monaco, 18-19 October 2001
200120/07/01TA-5/UNCL362nd Meeting of the United Nations Open-Ended informal consultative process established by the UN General Assembly in itsResolution 54/33.
200131/08/01S3/0302/ABLOSCL37International ABLOS Conference. Accuracies and Uncertainties in Maritime Boundaries and Outer Limits and ABLOS Law ofthe Sea Workshop. IHB, Monaco, 16-19 October 2001.
200118/09/01S1/4625CL38Application by the Republic of Mauritius for IHO Membership.
200119/09/01S1/1100CL39Report of the 6th SPWG Meeting, 16-17 May 2001, Norfolk, USA.
200120/09/01S3/2705CL40Sea Level Data Archeology.
200121/09/01S3/1105CL41Global Vertical Reference Frame.
200121/09/01S1/5007CL42Cooperation Agreement between the IHO and the IALA.
200128/09/01S3/8152/ACL43Statement made by PRIMAR Advisory Committee.
200102/10/01S1/5009CL44ICC 2001 - 20th Intl Cartographic Conf. (Beijing, 6-10 August 2001): Nautical Chart Display by IHO Member States.
200105/10/01S3/7198CL45Guidelines for the Processing of High Volume Bathymetric Data.
200108/10/01S1/1100CL46Revised IHO Work Programme 2001 - 2005.
200110/10/01S3/2644/ACL47Standardization of Undersea Feature Names / Guidelines-Proposal Form-Terminology.
200117/10/01S3/3076CL48International NAVTEX Service -  IMO COMSAR Circular 28.
200118/10/01S3/8151/CHRISCL4913th  CHRIS Meeting. Athens, Greece, 17-19 September 2001.
200119/10/01S3/8151/CHRISCL50SENC Distribution Option.
200123/10/01TA-6CL51Third Course on "Nautical Cartography" at the International Maritime Academy (IMA), Trieste, Italy.
200129/10/01S1/0410/ACL52Modification to the IHB Staff Regulations.
200131/10/01S1/1811CL53International Hydrographic Review.
200105/11/01P-0005CL54Winner of The Prince Albert 1st Medal for 2002.
200107/11/01S3/7020CL55Fourth Edition of S-23: "Limits of Oceans and Seas" (Draft).
200130/11/01S3/2620CL56Reports on Ocean Mapping.
200104/12/01AB-1CL57New Terms of Reference for FIG/IHO/ICA International Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for HydrographicSurveyors and Nautical Cartographers.
200106/12/01S3/8151/CHRISCL58Circular Letter No.58/2001 has been cancelled and replaced by CL No. 60/2001.
200111/12/01S1/0410/ACL59Proposed modifications to IHB Staff Regulations, 5th Edition, July 1998 (M-7).
200114/12/01S3/8151/CHRISCL60SENC Delivery.
200114/12/01S1/0700CL61Nomination of a new Chairperson for the IHO Legal Advisory Committee (LAC).
200118/12/01P-0003CL62New Format for the International Hydrographic Bulletin.
200121/12/01S1/0900CL63Cumulative List of IHB Circular Letters issued in 2001 (including Conference Circular Letters, FCCLs, etc.)
200004/01/00S1/5009CL01IHO Exhibition on Marine Cartography at ICA'99.
200005/01/00S3/2641/13CL02GEBCO Sub-committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN).
200007/01/00S3/8151CHRISCL03Minutes of the 11th CHRIS Meeting.
200019/01/00S1/0900(S1/1100)CL04New arrangements for IHO Publications and the chart collection at the IHB
200024/01/00AB-2CL05FIG-IHO International Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors
200025/01/00TA-7CL06New IHO Publication: M2 National Maritime Policies and Hydrographic Services
200026/01/00S3/8151CHRISCL07IHO-Industry Interface Meeting 18 March 2000
200011/02/00S1/5014CL08International Maritime Prize 2000.
200021/02/00S3/4008CL09New initiative of the Canadian Hydrographic Service for Crown Copyright Protection.
200022/02/00S3/3057CL10SOLAS Chapter V: Definition for Nautical Chart and use of the term "official".
200003/03/00S1/3008CL11GEOMATICS 2000, 2nd International Seminar on Geomatics, 22-27 May, Havana, CUBA "For a Global Integration of Data andGeospatial Services"
200016/03/00S3/0302S1/5021CL12Participation of the IHO in the First Meeting of the United Nations Consultative Process to Review the Developments in OceanAffairs.
200017/03/00TA-6CL13Free Hydrographic Course at the National Hydrographic School, Goa, India.
200030/03/00S3/8152CL14WEND Committee Proposals to the 2nd Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference, Monaco, 20-23 March 2000.
200006/04/00P-6CL15Winner of 1999 Commodore Cooper Medal. Selection for Prince Albert 1st Medal for the Year 1999.
200007/04/00S3/0302/ABLOSCL16Advisory Board on Law of the Sea (ABLOS) Conference on Technical Aspects of Maritime Delineation and Delimitation,Monaco, 8-9 September 1999.
200010/04/00P-5CL17Licensing of the title "International Hydrographic Review".
200014/04/00S3/3057CL18SOLAS Convention Chapter V
200008/05/00S3/1401CL19IHO Tidal Constituent Bank
200012/05/00S1/4707CL20Application by Mexico for IHO Membership
200023/05/00S3/4405CL21Regulations of the IHO for International (INT) Charts, 2000 Edition
200026/05/00S1/3066CL22New IHO Member State - Jamaica
200015/06/00S3/8152CL235th WEND Committee Meeting, IHB Monaco 16-17 March 2000, Summary Report.
200020/06/00S3/3057CL24IMO Maritime Safety Committee 72nd Session, May 2000 - Amendments to SOLAS Chapter V
200021/06/00S1/1811 (P-5)CL25Licensing of the title 'International Hydrographic Review' - Member States approval
200021/06/00S3/8152CL26Co-operation of HO's with Industry
200023/06/00S3/4005CL27Repository of Charts and Nautical documents at the IHB.
200007/07/00S1/0550CL28IHB Social Security Arrangements.
200007/07/00S3/3084CL29Commission on Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings (CPRNW).
200011/07/00S3/3084CL30Vandalism on Ocean Data Buoys.
200012/07/00S3/3079CL31Implementation of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).
200031/07/00S1/0906/00CL32P-5 - IHO Yearbook, 2000 Edition.
200002/08/00S1/1100CL33Issue of the IHO Strategic Plan and Inter-Sessional Work Programme (dated April 2000).
200003/08/00S3/0302S1/5021CL34Participation of the IHO in the First Meeting of the United Nations Consultative Process to review the developments in OceanAffairs (30 May - 02 June 1999).
200009/08/00S3/1104CL35IHO Special Publication No. 60: "User's Handbook on Datum Transformations involving WGS 84", 2nd Edition - November1999.
200001/09/00S1/1100CL36Future Programme of the IHO Strategic Planning Working Group.
200004/09/00S3/1000CL37IHO Manual on Hydrography.
200005/09/00S3/8151/CHRISCL38ENC Security Scheme(s).
200008/09/00S1/5014TA-6CL39IMO/IHO/IMA co-operation arrangement on Hydrographic and Nautical Cartography courses conducted at the InternationalMaritime Academy (IMA).
200015/09/00TA-6CL40Second Course on "Nautical Cartography", at the International Maritime Academy, (IMA) Trieste, Italy.
200019/09/00S1/0910CL41Harmonization of IHO Voting Procedures and of IHO Regulations
200025/09/00S3/1401CL42IHO Tidal Constituent Data Bank
200027/09/00P-6S1/1811CL43Publication And Distribution Of Volume 1, No. 1 of The New Series Of The International Hydrographic Review.
200028/09/00S1/0031CL44Amendment to the IHO General Regulations
200002/10/00S3/6003CL45XVth International Hydrographic Conference. Decision N°1.
200006/10/00S1/6000/X-2S1/1001/99CL46P-6: Report of Proceedings of the 2nd Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference, Monaco, 19-23 March 2000.
200020/10/00S1/5015CL47Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the IntergovernmentalOceanographic Commission (IOC).
200027/10/00S1/0400CL48Possible Resignation of an IHB Director.
200009/11/00TA-6S3/7220CL49Amendments to IHO Publication S-47, 5th Edition, July 1999 "Courses in Hydrography and Nautical Cartography"
200017/11/00S3/3057CL50Revision off SOLAS Chapter V
200030/11/00S1/5014TA-6CL51IMO/IHO/IMA Co-operation arrangement on Hydrographic and Nautical Cartography. Courses conducted at the InternationalMaritime Academy (IMA)
200014/12/00S3/8151/TSMADCL52Release of Edition 3.1 of S-57 - IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data.
200020/12/00S1/0900CL53IHO Publications on CD-ROM.
200022/12/00S1/0900CL54Cumulative list of IHB Circular Letters issued in 2000
199904/01/99S1/3065CL01New MS Colombia
199918/01/99TA-3S1/5014CL02Western Africa (Cameroon) Conference
199919/01/99TA-6CL03Hydrography Training Course, Maritime Safety Agency, Japan
199921/01/99TA-6CL04Port and Coastal Hydrography Course, Int. Maritime Academy, Trieste
199925/01/99S3/1000CL05IHO Manual on Hydrography
199903/02/99S3/7050CL06Hydrographic Dictionary, DHYDRO Project
199904/02/99S3/3080CL07IHO Publication S-53, App. 1, 1999 edition
199909/02/99TA-1CL08FIG-IHO TACC, Terms of Reference
199919/02/99S3/8151/CHRIS-2CL09Workshop on ENC Updating
199925/02/99S3/0302/ABLOSCL10ABLOS Conference
199901/03/99TA-6/IndiaCL11Hydrographic Course, Goa, India
199910/03/99S3/8152CL12S-57 Data Production by MS
199912/03/99S3/8151/TSMADCL13Product Specification for RNC (S-61)
199922/03/99S3/1401/WGCL14IHO Tidal Committee (Terms of Reference)
199924/03/99S3/8151/UPDCL15Workshop on ENC Updating
199930/03/99S3/1310CL16Standard Exchange Format for Hydrographic Data
199906/04/99S3/8151/CHRISCL17Minutes of the 10th CHRIS Meeting
199915/04/99S1/1100CL18Proposal for Extraordinary IHC in 2000
199916/04/99S3/5050CL19Standardization of Sailing Directions
199926/04/99S1/5009CL2019th ICA Conference (MS Chart Display)
199906/05/99P/6CL21Winner of Commodore Cooper Medal
199907/05/99TA-6CL22Course "Hydrographic Data Management", IMA, Trieste
199926/05/99S3/8154/ACL23Standard for Content, Quality and Updating of ECS Database
199926/05/99S1/0900/SPCL24Implications of Adopting Spanish as Official Language of the IHO
199931/05/99S1/1100CL25Proposed Changes to the Work of the IHB
199901/06/99S3/7020CL26Identification of "Southern" or "Antarctic Ocean"
199904/06/99S3/7050CL27IHO Committee on the Hydrographic Dictionary (Terms of Reference)
199907/06/99S1/1100CL28Third Interim Report on the IHO Strategic Plan
199909/06/99S1/5014CL29Cooperation Agreement between IMO and IHO
199914/06/99S1/0906/99CL30IHO Yearbook 1999 Edition
199916/06/99S1/1001/98CL31Annual Report of the IHO for 1998
199923/06/99AB-6/1999CL32Report of the 22nd Meeting of the FIG/IHO International Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for HydrographicSurveyors
199905/07/99S1/5014S1/1100CL33Cooperation Agreement between IMO and IHO
199916/07/99S3/2705CL34Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) Matters
199916/07/99S3/5050CL35Standardization of Nautical Publications WG (Inaugural Meeting)
199927/07/99S3/8151/UPDCL36Workshop on ENC Updating (Summary of Discussions)
199903/08/99S3/8152CL374th WEND Meeting, Summary Report
199923/08/99S3/3055S3/3056CL38IMO NAV 45
199925/08/99S3/0302/ABLOSCL39ABLOS Conference
199927/08/99S3/3078CL40Raster Formats and Data Encryption
199930/08/99S3/7220CL41Training Courses, IHO Publication S-47
199902/09/99TA/6CL42New Course on "Nautical Cartography"
199913/09/99S1/1005/ACL43IHO Member States WEB Sites
199914/09/99S3/6003CL44Resolutions of the IHO (M-3), Correction 1/99
199917/09/99S3/7020CL45S-23, "Southern" or "Antarctic Ocean"
199924/09/99S3/7050CL46IHO Comm. on the Hydrographic Dict., Terms of Reference
199922/10/99S3/3055CL47Guidance on Chart Datum and the Accuracy of Positions on Charts
199925/10/99S1/0178CL48Application by Slovenia for IHO Membership
199928/10/99S3/3057CL49SOLAS - Chapter V
199929/10/99AB-2CL50Resignation of IHO Member of FIG/IHO International Advisory Board on  Standards of Competence for HydrographicSurveyors, Nomination of New  Member
199902/11/99S1/0015CL51Replies Amendment Article XXI of the IHO Convention
199912/11/99S1/5051CL52Disbandment of IUSM
199925/11/99S3/8151/SEATRIALSCL53SHARED Programme
199926/11/99S3/3057CL54SOLAS Chapter V Use of Term "Official"
199929/11/99TA-6/TriesteCL55Course on "Harbour and Coastal Management...", IMA, Trieste, Italy
199930/11/99AB-5CL56New Graduate-level "Hydrographic Science" Program, University of Southern Mississippi, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi,USA
199930/11/99S1/3071CL57New Member State, Morocco
199901/12/99S1/4821CL58Application for Membership by Myanmar
199906/12/99S3/8151CHRISCL59IHO - Industry Interface Meeting
199906/12/99S3/2620/ACL60Deep Ocean Mapping
199910/12/99S3/8151/TSMADCL61S-57, Edition 3.1
199923/12/99S1/0900CL62Cumulative List of CLs Issued in 1999 (incl. CCLs)