BACKGROUND - Advisory Board |
The Report of the joint FIG/IHO WG was accepted by the two parent bodies at
their respective conferences in 1977. In consequence of similar resolutions passed at
these conferences an International Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for
Hydrographic Surveyors (the Board) was formed. Since then the Board has met annually and compiled and regularly updated
"Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors" (the Standards). The
intention of the Board in preparing these Standards is to provide guidance whereby
individual surveyors may be trained and qualified in accordance with internationally
accepted levels of competence. The Standards indicate the minimum degree of knowledge and
experience considered necessary for hydrographic surveyors, and provide a set of programme
outlines against which the Board may evaluate programmes submitted for recognition. The
IHO Second Extraordinary Conference in March 2000 approved
the development of a set of Standards of Competence for Nautical Cartographers.
Immediately the need to establish a body that could develop these Standards was envisaged.
Following some discussions, it was agreed that the FIG/IHO International Advisory Board on
Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors (IAB) could be the appropriate body to
lead the preparation of these Standards, with the contribution of other organizations such
as the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and learned institutions running
courses on nautical cartography. After
coordinating with FIG and ICA authorities at the 2001 International Cartographic
Conference held in Beijing, China, IHB recommended that IHO
invite ICA as the third parent organization of the Board. Therefore, the Board
changed its name to FIG/IHO/ICA International Advisory Board on Standards of Competence
for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers, developing new Terms of Reference. The first draft of the Standards was prepared with the valuable support of the International Maritime Academy, and submitted for consideration to the IAB, through the IHB. The Board improved the text and decided to circulate it to several institutions for comments. Finally, in June 2003, during the XXVIth Meeting of the A. Board, the new Standards for Nautical Cartographers were officially approved. |