S-100/S-101 Test Bed Resources

What is the S-100/S-101 Testbed?

The S-100/S-101 testbed is a framework to support the end-to-end testing of S-101 and other S-10X product specifications within the S-100 environment.

The objectives of the S-100 framework are:

  • S-100 products display and function as required by users in S-100 ECDIS. Standards and testing must ensure the required level of consistency and reliability.

  • S-100 products can be distributed and ingested in a proper and reliable manner by S-100 ECDIS.

  • S-100 products can be collated and packaged into distribution packages with required data integrity etc

  • S-100 products can be validated to conform to defining standards and acceptable quality levels.

  • S-100 products can be created and updated.

  • S-100 feature and portrayal catalogues can be created and updated. Processes must ensure catalogues are valid and consistent.

  • More specifically, this framework will test four major types of products that could be used within an S-100 ECDIS. They are:

    S-101 ENC Product Specification

  • S-10X Overlay – where the data would overlay the base ENC to provide additional information

  • S-10X Partial Replacement – where the data would replace part of the base ENC to provide more detailed information

  • S-10X wholesale replacement – where the data would replace the entire ENC. For example a port ENC may replace the existing harbour ENC.

The following functional flowchart depicts the high level S-100 System Overview. Each box represents a component or a set of components that will be tested utilizing this framework.

How can I get involved with the S-100/S-101 Testbed?
For more information on the S-100/S-101 Testbed please contact Julia.Powell@noaa.gov