The S-52 Chart Presentation Bulletins are placed here to communicate information concerning portrayal and update issues related to ECDIS and ENC production. They may influence ENC producers´ encoding practices and should be consulted in conjunction with the S-57 Encoding Bulletins. Each Bulletin explains a particular ECDIS portrayal issue, recommended procedures for addressing the issue and the consequences of not following the recommended procedures.
These Bulletins have resulted from proposals brought to the attention of the Digital Information Portrayal Working Group (DIPWG). New bulletins must be approved by the DIPWG in accordance with its Terms of Reference.
NOTE: all changes described in S-52 Bulletins are strong recommendations and do NOT override existing IMO, IHO nor IEC related standards or specifications.
Bulletin de présentation de la S-52 (CPB) |
Les bulletins de présentation des cartes de la S-52 sont placés dans cette rubrique pour communiquer des informations concernant les questions de présentation et de mise à jour relatives aux ECDIS et à la production des ENC. Ils peuvent influencer les pratiques de codage des producteurs d'ENC et doivent être consultés conjointement avec les bulletins de codage de la S-57. Chaque bulletin explique une question de présentation spécifique relative aux ECDIS, les procédures recommandées pour traiter cette question et les conséquences liées au fait de ne pas suivre les procédures recommandées.
Ces bulletins découlent des propositions portées à l'attention du groupe de travail sur la présentation des informations numériques (DIPWG). Les nouveaux bulletins doivent être approuvés par le DIPWG, conformément à son mandat.
NOTE : Tous les changements décrits dans les Bulletins de la S-52 sont de fortes recommandations et ils ne remplacent PAS les spécifications et les normes existantes de l'OMI, de l'OHI ou de la CEI y relatives.
S-52-CPB-No 1: S-57 encoding of FSPT/USAG (CSMWG14 Action 31) |
In very rare cases a depth (DEPARE) or dredged area (DRGARE) boundary may coincide exactly with a cell boundary. Encoding nations should be aware that in this case, a break or gap will appear in the safety contour along that part of the cell boundary. It should be noted that alarms or indications will still be generated for the DEPARE or DRGARE in this situation. |
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S-52-CPB-No 2: New S-52 conditional symbol procedure (CSP) for WRECKS (CSMWG14 Action 32) |
PresLib Edition3.3 includes changes to the CSP for wrecks. As the depths of tankers have increased in recent years up to 35 metres, this CSP does not take into account CATWRK = 1 (non-dangerous). When no VALSOU is provided, the new CSP now calculates a value for VALSOU using the formula in M-4 B-422.7 (original version). It was suggested by the CSMWG that better encoding of wrecks (including the population of VALSOU when possible) must be the responsibility of the encoding HOs. ENC encoders will be encouraged to provide an estimated depth or safe clearance for all wrecks. |
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S-52 CPB-No 3: Linear depth areas (CHRIS17 Action) |
Following the release of the new S-52 Presentation Library edition 3.3 in March 2004, ECDIS manufacturers were given until 1 Jan 2006 to instigate the revised presentation library. Due to an uncovered mistake in the CSP which detects the safety contour, CHRIS17 (in 2005) agreed to postpone the implementation of the updated Presentation Library until 1 Jan 2007 because the correction of the affected CSP is expected to be available towards the end of 2006. For the time being, the encoding of linear depth areas (DEPARE) will be continued to feed ECDISes in the field, which are not updated to the new detection method yet. A new date for termination of encoding of linear depth areas will be forwarded by the IHB in due course. |
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S-52 CPB-No 4: Launch of S-100 Discussion Forum |
An S-100 Discussion Forum was launched in March 2005. This forum addresses new ideas for the development of the new IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Geospatial Standard for Hydrographic Data, which is intended to be released in 2007 - 2008. It can be reached through the IHO website at - via Committees/CHRIS/TSMAD SubWg (left column on home page); or directly at CSMWG members are invited to register / logon and participate in this discussion. |
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S-52-CPB-No 5: New ENC Product Specification Discussion (S-101) |
Development of S-101 cannot commence until the main standard S-100 becomes more mature. However, ideas for consideration for the new ENC Product Specification are being sought on the Open ECDIS Forum (OEF).
TSMAD has initiated the development of S-101 and ideas are being discussed on the IHO S-100 Discussion Forum (see CPB-No5 for the address). Members of the CSMWG are strongly encouraged to make suggestions and or comment on posted ideas using this forum, or email the Chairman of TSMAD (Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.) with your ideas.
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S-52-CPB-No 6: Portrayal of flood lights, strip lights and spot lights |
The S-52 Presentation Library Edition 3.3 (March 2004) and the Edition 3.4 (January 2008) do not portray flood lights, strip lights nor spot lights (CATLIT 8, 9 and 11 respectively). |
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S-52-CPB-No 7: Chart 1: Corrected files and images |
The IHO Presentation Library for ECDIS (Annex A to S-52 Appendix 2) includes, in its edition 3.4 (January 2008), data files called Chart 1 and printouts in alphabetical and numerical order of all objects. As it came to practical application, a number of minor mistakes have been detected within the Chart 1 data files and in the screen shots included in Part I of PresLib e3.4. Corrected files and images have been?produced by SevenCs on behalf of the IHO. They are contained in the following compressed files: and
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S-52-CPB-No 8: Equal placement of depth contour labels (CSMWG18 Action 16) |
Depth contour lines are often coded in segments of equal status with varying run lengths. Short contour segments are sometimes not optimal for the presentation of contour labels if the generic rules of DPCNT03 are too strictly applied. Therefore, the interpretation of DEPCNT03 rules to display depth contour labels should be interpreted in a way, that it results in an equal spaced placement of the labels with a distance which is independent from the fraction of the contour into segments and fits well to the selected display scale. |
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S-52-CPB-No 9: Definition of navigation symbology contained in IEC62288 (CSMWG18 Action 19) |
IEC Standard 62288: Presentation of navigation-related information on shipborne navigational displays provides the guidelines for the presentation of navigation-related symbols, terms and abbreviations originally described in Safety of Navigation Circular SN/Circ. 243 together with some requirements published in resolution MSC.192(79) on radar and resolution MSC.232(79) on revised Performance Standards for ECDIS; and MSC/Circ. 982 on Guidelines on ergonomic criteria for bridge equipment and layout. IEC62288 replaces Annex E of IEC 61174 for navigational symbols including AIS-symbols used in stand-alone ECDIS displays.
Although the Presentation Library and its updates endeavour to reproduce all current non-chart symbology, IEC definitions in IEC standards 61174 and 62288, IMO directions for AIS display and other future technologies remain the authority for navigational symbols, and their latest editions should always be consulted. It has to be noted that IEC 62288 does not relate navigational symbols to specific colours. In the interest of safe navigation, through ensuring that symbology for navigational and for chart information are consistent with each other, all non-chart symbology reproduced in the Presentation Library is added by colour tokens belonging to the colour model of S-52, Appendix 2. |
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