4th CSPCWG Meeting
IHB, Monaco, (13-15 November 2007) 

Last update: février 25, 2010

Post Meeting Documents:  [Record]  [Photos] [Brief]

Document No

Document Title

CSPCWG4-01A rev.5

List of Documents

CSPCWG4-01B rev.6

List of Meeting Participants and WG Members

CSPCWG4-02A rev.4


CSPCWG4-03A Election of officers
CSPCWG4-04A rev.1 Status of Actions from CSPCWG-3
CSPCWG4-04B Action 29: status of INT1, 2, 3
CSPCWG4-05.1A CSPCWG Report to CHRIS-19


Text of letter from Chairman to CHRIS Chairman
CSPCWG4-05.1C rev.1 Notes from CHRIS 19, November 2007
CSPCWG4-05.2A Copy of draft report to TSMAD15 regarding review of M4
CSPCWG4-05.2B Spread sheet of M4 changes impact for S100
CSPCWG4-06A CSPCWG Terms of Reference (with draft changes agreed at CSPCWG3)
CSPCWG4-07A CSPCWG Procedures (agreed at CSPCWG3)
CSPCWG4-07B Proposed new principles for CSPCWG
CSPCWG4-08A CSPCWG Work Plan (updated for CHRIS19 report at 28 August 2007)
CSPCWG4-09.1A Original ‘Portrayal of mangrove trees and areas on paper charts’ proposal
CSPCWG4-09.2A Glossaries on charts
CSPCWG4-09.3A Sea boundaries
CSPCWG4-09.4A Colour of magnetic detail on charts
CSPCWG4-09.5A Racon wavebands on charts
CSPCWG4-09.6A Symbol(s) for Renewable Energy Installations
CSPCWG4-10.1A Proposed adoption of the M-4 symbols as the IHO paper chart symbol library
CSPCWG4-10.2A Charting of New and Revised Routeing Measures
CSPCWG4-10.3A Conventions for use of capital or lower case letters
CSPCWG4-10.4A The term: Recommended Track
CSPCWG4-10.5A Maintenance section for M4
CSPCWG4-12.1A Report from INT1 subWG meeting
CSPCWG4-12.2A Unresolved issues from review of INT 1 by subWG
CSPCWG4-12.3A Proposed removal of unused numbers in official INT1s
CSPCWG4-12.4A Rearrangements of sections K and L (INT 1)
CSPCWG4-12.5A Extension of INT 1 to also comprise ECDIS symbols
CSPCWG4-INF1 Charting of AIS transmitters on Aids to Navigation
CSPCWG4-INF2 Omission of redundant abbreviations for colours on multi-coloured charts