Southern Africa and Islands Hydrographic Commission (SAIHC)


9th Meeting
    Mauritius  (18 - 19 September 2012)

Last update: November 27, 2012

Post meeting documents:  [SAIHC9 - Meeting Minutes]   [Meeting Photograph]

Document No

Document Title

Registration Form                  Hotel Information                     Visa Requirements


SAIHC Letter 02/2012 announcing the 9th SAIHC Conference

Meeting Documents

SAIHC9-1A List of Documents (Rev 3)
SAIHC9-1B List of Participants (Rev 2)
SAIHC9-2A Draft Agenda (Rev 2)
SAIHC9-2B Draft Programme (Rev 2)
SAIHC9-3A Minutes of the SAIHC8 Meeting
SAIHC9-3B Status/Review of Actions List
SAIHC9-4.1 List of Actions and Tasks Agree at IRRC 4
SAIHC9-4.2 IHB Report to SAIHC 9 (rev 1)
SAIHC9-4.3 CB - SAIHC Phase 1 Skills Course
SAIHC9-5.2A SAIHC Capacity Building Plan (2013 to 2017)

National Reports

SAIHC9-5.3A National Report: France
SAIHC9-5.3B National Report: South Africa
SAIHC9-5.3C National Report: Portugal
SAIHC9-5.3D National Report: Mauritius
SAIHC9-5.3E National Report: Kenya
SAIHC9-5.3F National Report: Mozambique
SAIHC9-5.3G National Report: Malawi
SAIHC9-5.3H National Report: Norway
SAIHC9-5.3I National Report: Seychelles
SAIHC9-5.3J National Report: Namibia
SAIHC9-5.3K National Report: United Kingdom
SAIHC9-5.3L National Report: Angola
SAIHC9-5.3M National Report: Tanzania
SAIHC9-5.3N National Report: Madagascar
SAIHC9-5.3O National Report: Comoros
SAIHC9-5.4 Hydrographic Survey Status (C-55)
SAIHC9-5.5 IHO Response to Marine Disasters (CL73)
SAIHC9-5.6 Collection of Ocean Bathymetry
SAIHC9-7.1 IMO Proposal - Recommended Rout in the Mozambique Channel
SAIHC9-7.2 Letter to IRCs concerning the IALA Initiative
SAIHC9-7.4 SANGEP 3 Report
SAIHC9-8A SAIHC Statutes Rev 4.7 (Sept 2011)
  Information Papers
SAIHC9-INF1 Rio Plus 20 - Summary of Interagency Blue Paper on the Oceans