IHO Tidal Committee (IHOTC)

8th IHOTC Meeting
 23 to 26 October 2007  (Halifax, Canada)

Last update: août 28, 2013

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Document No

Document Title

IHOTC8_Logistics Meeting Information
IHOTC8-2a-1_Rev1 Provisional Agenda Rev1
IHOTC8-2b-1 Programme
IHOTC8-2c-1 Work programme 2008-2012
IHOTC8-3.4-1 Principles for Predictions using Secondary Port Data in National Tide Tables 
IHOTC8-3.5-1 Naming Convention for chart datum
IHOTC8-3.6-1 Vertical Reference Framework
IHOTC8-3.7-1 IOC/GLOSS Program
IHOTC8-3.9-1 Outcome of the XVII IHC May 2007
IHOTC8-3.10-1 Future IHO Committee Structure
IHOTC8-3.11-1 Capacity Building
IHOTC8-3.12-1 Review of relevant IHO Technical Resolutions
IHOTC8-3.13-1 Review of relevant IHO Charting Specifications
IHOTC8-3.14-1 French Manual of Tides
IHOTC8-4-1 Draft ToR for the TVDWG
IHOTC8_List_of_Participants List of Participants
In meeting presentations
UK_VORF The UKHO Vertical Offshore Reference Frame Project (VORF)
UK_HC_Exchange_format The digital exchange of harmonic constants
UK HC Product Spec Product Specification for the Exchange of Harmonic Constants
USA_VD_Transformation Advances in Vertical Datum Transformation Tools and Use of Interpolation Models for Hydrographic Surveys at NOAA
GLOSS Presentation from the GLOSS representative.