
Joint Proposals* from Japan (JCUFN) and USA (ACUF), June 2019

* IHO Disclaimer Notice

 Emails from JHOD/JCUFN, Japan, dated 4 & 5 June 2019 sending the proposals.

General Index Map#1 of the Location of the Sites

Complementary Scientific Information and Publications (SIP) with regard to Proposals (for SCUFN Members only, not to be published on the SCUFN32 webpage): SIP1_Bloomer_Bull-Volcano_1989, SIP2_Fukuyama_J-Geography_1983, SIP3_Hein_JGR_2008, SIP4_Ishizuka_EPSL_2010, SIP5_Naka_JAMSTEC-DSR_1998, SIP6_Nishizawa_HODJ_2003, SIP7_Sakuyama_JVGR_1979, SIP8_Stern_Tectono_1984.

A. Site A

New proposals: Index Map#3

Shape files provided by JCUFN

  1. Proposal for Sakuyama Seamount
  2. Proposal for Fukuyama Seamount

B. Site B

New proposals: Index Map#6

Shape files provided by JCUFN

  1. Proposal for Arrhenius Seamount
  2. Proposal for Shipek Seamounts
  3. Proposal for Isaacs Guyot
  4. Proposal for Belknap Guyot
  5. Proposal for Thomson Seamounts
  6. Proposal for Tuscarora Seamount
  7. Proposal for Ammen Seamount