Inter-Regional Coordinating Committee (IRCC) |
Last update: 19 décembre 2016
Post Meeting Documents: [IRCC8 Report] [Annex A - List of Participants] [Annex B - List of Actions] [Annex C - List of Decisions] [Annex D - IRCC WP 2016-2017] [Photograph]
Updated List of Actions from IRCC8
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List of Documents (IHB) - this document |
IRCC8-01B rev. 4 |
List of Participants (IHB) |
List of IRCC Members (IHB) |
IRCC8-02 rev. 1 |
Agenda and Timetable (IHB) |
Minutes of IRCC7 (IHB) |
IRCC8-03B rev. 2 |
Status of Action List from IRCC7 (IHB) |
Amended IRCC ToR (IHB) |
IRCC Annual Report (Chair) |
IHB Report (IHB) Presentation |
Regional Hydrographic Commission Reports |
Nordic HC (NHC Chair) Presentation |
North Sea HC (NSHC Chair) Presentation |
East Asia HC (EAHC Chair) |
US/Canada HC (USCHC Chair) |
Mediterranean and Black Seas HC (MBSHC Chair) |
Baltic Sea HC (BSHC Chair) |
Eastern Atlantic HC (EAtHC Chair) |
South-East Pacific Regional HC (SEPRHC Chair) |
South-West Pacific HC (SWPHC Chair) Presentation |
Cyclone Winston - Fiji (SWPHC Chair) |
SWPHC Response Messages (SWPHC Chair) |
Meso-American - Caribbean Sea HC (MACHC Chair) Presentation |
Southern Africa and Islands HC (SAIHC Chair) |
North Indian Ocean HC (NIOHC Chair) |
ROPME Sea Area HC (RSAHC Chair) Presentation |
South West Atlantic HC (SWAtHC Chair) |
Arctic Regional HC (ARHC Chair) |
Reports from IRCC Body |
Hydrographic Commission on Antarctica (HCA Chair) |
Worldwide Navigational Warning Service SC (WWNWS-SC Chair) Presentation |
Capacity Building Sub-Committee (CBSC Chair) Presentation |
WEND Working Group (WENDWG Chair) (Annex A - Appendix 1) |
MSDI Working Group (MSDIWG Chair) (Annexes A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I) Presentation1 Presentation2 |
Crowd-Sourced Bathymetry Working Group (CSBWG Chair) Presentation |
Crowd-Sourced Bathymetry Guidance Document (CSBWG Chair) |
IHO-EU Network Working Group (IENWG Chair) |
FIG/IHO/ICA International Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC Chair) |
S-5A Standards development and feedback from Member States and Stakeholders (IBSC Chair) |
Proposal to include the the Hydrographer competence in S-44 (IBSC Chair) |
Syllabus of Cat. A for Hydrographic Surveyors for the Cat. B holder (Japan) |
IBSC Comments to doc IRCC8-07H4 (IBSC Chair) |
IHO-IOC GEBCO Guiding Committee (GGC Chair) |
IRCC8-07I2 rev. 1 |
Scanning and Archiving the Five GEBCO Map Editions (IHB) Presentation |
Other documents | |
Input from HSSC7 (HSSC) Presentation |
Relations with IGOs, NGIOs and IHO Stakeholders (IHB) Presentation |
Update on Data Gathering and Management, Maximizing the use of Hydrographic Data (IHB) |
Update on the development of the IHO GIS (IHB) Presentation |
Revision of the IHO Strategy (IHB) Presentation | |
Risk Analysis, Mitigation and Monitoring Progress in Relation to IRCC (IHB) |
Feedback from MBSHC (MBSHC Chair) |
IRCC8-11.2C |
Feedback from IRCC Bodies (CBSC and WENDWG Chair) |
General Regulations on the IHO Council (IHB) |
IRCC8-13 |
IRCC input to the next IHC/Assembly (Chair) |