Meso American & Caribbean Sea Hydrographic Commission (MACHC)

15th Meeting
10-13 December 2014 (Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico)

Last update: 17 juin 2015

Post meeting documents:   [Minutes] [Photo] [List of Actions]
Logistics and Registration: Circular Letter / Registration template Letter on visa  (English) Annex  (English)
2nd Mexican Hydrographic Conference Information: Circular Letter Carta sobre visa  (Español) Anexo  (Español)
MACHC Seminar on Raising Awareness of Hydrography: Circular Letter

Document No

Document Title


b) Agenda and Timetable (Chair)

c) List of documents (Chair) - This document

d) List of participants (Chair)


Minutes of the MACHC14 Meeting (Chair)


List of Actions of the MACHC14 Meeting (Chair)


MACHC Statutes (Chair)

.1 Letter from St Vincent and the Grenadines to become Associate Member (Chair)

.3 Invited countries in the region (Chair)


.1 IHB Report rev 1 (IHB)

.2 IRCC6 Report (Chair)

.3 HSSC6 Report (Brazil)

.4 WENDWG4 Report (Chair)

.5 IENWG1 Report (France)


.1 Presentations/Paper

.1.1 IHO CB Industry Contribution

.1.2 Building a hydrographic office from scratch

.1.3 Update on ENCs and RENC activities

.1.4 Presentation NOAA on AIS Analysis

.1.5 Hydrography integrated systems and platform

.1.6 e-Navigation

.2 National Reports

a) Antigua and Barbuda

e) Brazil (ppt)

f) Colombia (ppt)

h) Cuba (ppt)
l) France (ppt)
n) Guatemala (ppt)
s) Mexico
t) Netherlands (ppt)
y) St. Vincent and the Grenadines (ppt)
z) Suriname (ppt)
aa) Trinidad and Tobago (ppt)
ab) United Kingdom (ppt)

ac) United States of America (ppt)

ad) Venezuela (ppt)

ae) Spain (ppt)

.3.1 Maritime Watch (WWNWS) (ppt)


.1 MEIP Report, presentation, proposal (MEIP-WG Chair)

.2A MICC Report (MICC Chair)

.2B MICC AIS Analysis (MICC Chair)

.3A CBSC12 Report (CB Coordinator)

.3B CB Report (CB Coordinator)

.3C CB Proposals (CB Coordinator)

.3D CB Plan 2013-2017 (CB Coordinator)

.3E Course Nicaragua (Mexico)

.3F Course Peru (Brazil)


Relevant Organizations Reports

b) International Association off Marine Aids to Navigation and lighthouse Authorities (IALA)
c) International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (IBCCA)
d) International Maritime Organisation (ppt) (IMO)
e) Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)
f) Pan American Institute of Geography and History (ppt) (PAIGH)
g) Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM)
j) Caribbean Memorandum of Understanding (CMOU)
m) Panama Canal Authority


.2 Satellite Derived Bathymetry Overview


.1 Invited organizations in the region

.2 Invited financial organization in the region


Project for MSDI development in the Islands of the Caribbean Sea

MACHC15-17 .1 Letter from the Netherlands - Candidate to Chair
.2 Letter from Mexico - Candidate to Vice Chair